The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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Ph.D. Programme

The Ph.D. in History is an innovative and intensive course that provides a thorough training in historical methods. It offers a range of specialist options that draw on the latest research, and includes a sustained period devoted to archival research and writing.

Ph.D. programmes are available in full-time and part-time modes and the periods of study are listed below:

Study Mode

Normative Study Period

Maximum Study Period


With a research master’s degree

36 months

84 months

Without a research master’s degree

48 months

84 months


With a research master’s degree

48 months

96 months

Without a research master’s degree

64 months

96 months

Tuition Fee & Financial Assistance

Tuition Fee, 2024-25

Full-time: HK$42,100 per annum
Part-time: HK$42,100 per annum


Financial Assistance

Postgraduate Studentships

Postgraduate Studentship (PGS) is a form of financial assistance provided to full-time postgraduate students registered in research degree programmes. Holders of such studentship are not employees of the University.

The award of a PGS will be made known to students at the same time as they receive their admission offers, students need not make a separate application for obtaining the award. The monthly stipend for Postgraduate Studentship is HK$18,725 – HK$19,275 for 2024-25. Students receiving PGS awards are expected to assist in the teaching and research work of the Department. Their duties will be assigned by the Department Chairman.


Campus Support

Please refer to the website of Graduate School.


Department’s Support

Computer Laboratory (Room 126, 1/F, KHB)

The Department has a Computer Laboratory with adequate Computer facilities (several computers, networked printers and scanners) for the academic use of the students.

Opening Hours:

Monday to Saturday: 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Maintenance Session, Sunday & Public Holiday: Closed

[ Policies and Guidelines using Computer Laboratory ]

[ Postgraduate Students’ Printing Service in the Computer Laboratory ]

PGS Office (Room 128, 1/F, KHB)

PGS Office with wifi access is provided for our RPg student to have discuss or preparation of teaching materials.

[ Condition of Use ]

Locker (Room 126, 1/F, KHB)

Locker is provided for PGS holders within their normative period at PGS Office.

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