姓名 |
論文題目 |
陳浚林 |
侯夢倫 |
僧道、家族與士人:金元時代的山東地域社會 |
黄夏東 |
Yankees in a Forging British Indian Ocean World: Trade, Knowledge and Strategy at the Gateways to the East Indies: 1800-1820s |
姜樹青 |
Family Memory: Construction of Family Identity of the Lü Family in Lantian during the Song Dynasty (960-1279 C.E.) |
李瀅銓 |
Damaged Lives and Forgotten Deaths: the Social History of Workers’ Health and Safety in Hong Kong |
李敬坤 |
東晉南朝之書籍生產與閲讀文化 |
劉葭妍 |
The Obscure Gazer: A Postcolonial Reading of La Condamine’s Transatlantic Scientific Expedition |
裴嘯山 |
明清華北駝政與地域社會 |
REBONG Ma. Donna Solis |
Discourses on Disability during the American Colonial Period (1903-1935) |
涂俊峰 |
肖炳屹 |
許素霞 |
徐以捷 |
楊云飛 |
Who Made the Restoration? Historical Images of Gaozong and His Top Ministers in the Initial Years of Southern Song, 1127-1142 |
楊之水 |
亂中有序:奉天的城市建構與城市社會(1890-1932) |
趙曉曦 |
港口與城市:近代天津之貿易網絡,1862-1949 |
朱麗禎 |
明清以來崇明沙田開發與海島社會的變遷 |