香港中文大學 歴史系 歴史系


歷史哲學碩士研究生 2024-25

姓名 論文題目
張潔儀 新石器時代文化交流及文明進程考察研究——以湖南及環珠江口地區為例
干霖 Migration and Governance: The Official Discourse of Transnational Trafficking of Chinese Women and Children in the Late Qing Period (1840s-1910s)
GUIANG Francisco Jayme Paolo Pensionados in the University of the Philippines: Medicine and Public Health in the Context of Filipinization (1916-1935)
何咏欣 多元政治格局下的流民問題:以公元220-589年為期
林愷昇 Publicness and Privateness: Contesting the Public Space in South China
吳沛聰 民國時期地方社會與天災控制——以浙江省預防螟蟲為中心進行探討 (1912-1937)
舒玥 先秦至兩漢戰爭圖紋的軍事、社會文化意涵
TICAO Mar Lorence Gamboa Tondo Through the Lens of the Colonizers: Representations of the Densest District of Manila in Newspapers during the American Colonial Era (1898-1946)
王冠淇 交遊、書寫及地域觀念建構:東晉南朝的吳興武康沈氏
王澍 Building the Modern Capital: Henry Murphy and the Urban Planning of Nanjing in the Republican Era (1927-1948)
WATERHOUSE Isaac Joseph  
黃建樂 Constructing Memories: The Narrative of World War II in Cold War Hong Kong and Singapore (1945-1967)
楊思源 孝為德本:神聖空間與政治實踐中的釋奠禮儀 (420-739)
張君龍 山野中的流匪:文革中的浙南


歷史哲學博士研究生 2024-25

姓名 論文題目
陳浚林 “非家” 的秩序:唐宋時期禪宗軌范的流變及歷史情境
侯夢倫 僧道、家族與士人:金元時代的山東地域社會
黄夏東 Yankees in a Forging British Indian Ocean World: Trade, Knowledge and Strategy at the Gateways to the East Indies: 1800-1820s
姜樹青 Family Memory: Construction of Family Identity of the Lü Family in Lantian during the Song Dynasty (960-1279 C.E.)
李瀅銓 Damaged Lives and Forgotten Deaths: the Social History of Workers’ Health and Safety in Hong Kong
李敬坤 魏晉南北朝游學研究
劉葭妍 La Condamine in Peru: Memory and Oblivion of an Enlightenment Universalist
裴嘯山 明清華北駝政與地域社會
REBONG Ma. Donna Solis (Re)inventing the Disabled Filipino: Disability Management and the American Colonial State in the Philippines (1900-1935)
涂俊峰 明朝隆慶和議之研究
肖炳屹 Beyond Julie and Amazon: What Makes a Citoyenne in the French Revolution
楊云飛 Who Made the Restoration? Historical Images of Gaozong and His Top Ministers in the Initial Years of Southern Song, 1127-1142
楊之水 秩序的悖論:奉天的城市規劃與地綠政治
趙曉曦 近代海河流域社會變遷:以天津為中心的考察 (1841-1916)
朱麗禎 明清以來崇明沙田開發與海島社會的變遷