時間星期三 14:30 - 16:15
地點梁銶琚樓101室 (KKB 101)
課程講師 陸志鴻 (garyluk@cuhk.edu.hk)
助教 裴嘯山 (1155204031@link.cuhk.edu.hk)
This course aims to show how the passages of Chinese people, ships, commodities, and ideas connected different maritime regions in East and Southeast Asia and other parts of the world in the early modern era (c. 1500-1800). It takes into account the state policies of China, other Asian “indigenous” polities, and European “imperialists,” and the activities of different Chinese groups such as merchants, sailors, pirates, and settlers in China, Japan, and Southeast Asia. Assisted by a variety of textual, cartographic, and pictorial sources, the course explores the roles of various forms of Chinese circulations such as tribute trade, smuggling, and migration in forming an Asian macro-region with its own intrinsic political, social, economic, and cultural orders. Students will have much chance to read historical materials and secondary literature in both English and Chinese.
Research proposal (10%)
Term paper (40%)
Tutorials (40%)
Class participation (10%)
See Blackboard.
See the course outline.