時間星期四 14:30 - 16:15
地點李兆基樓515室 (LSK 515)
課程講師 陸志鴻 (garyluk@cuhk.edu.hk)
助教 席煦 (1155091208@link.cuhk.edu.hk)
This course explores Hong Kong from the mid-nineteenth to the early twenty-first century from global historical perspectives. To contextualize modern Hong Kong within the history of the world, the course will first introduce some of the key concepts, frameworks, and issues in the rapidly emerging field of global history, and then examine the ways in which Hong Kong have been politically, economically, socially, and culturally connected and integrated to other Asian regions, Europe, North America, and many other parts of the world for the past 182 years. Chronologically and thematically organized, the lectures revolve around the theme that Hong Kong history is important, if not essential, for us to understand and rethink various aspects of global developments within different temporal-spatial frameworks such as merchant capitalism, transpacific Chinese passages, the Cold War, and postwar Sino-US relations. The course is multidisciplinary; students will read widely on Hong Kong and the globe in the disciplines of history, international relations, politics, economics, anthropology, literature, and cultural studies.
1. Global History: Key Concepts, Frameworks, and Issues
2. Hong Kong in the British Empire
3. Western Capital and Capitalists in Early Colonial Hong Kong
4. Hong Kong: A Chinese Trade Hub in the Pacific Rim before WWII
5. Hong Kong: An “In-between Place” of Transoceanic Chinese Migration
6. History Writing Workshop; Hong Kong in the Second World War
7. The Global Cold War in Hong Kong
8. British Decolonization and Culture, 1941-1997
9. Linchpin of Postwar Sino-US Relations
10. Industrial Metropolis and Global Financial Center in the Twentieth Century
11. Non-British, Non-Chinese Communities
12. Hong Kong and the Diasporic Chinese Cinema
13. Postwar Hong Kong Communities Overseas: Past and Present
Take-home exam (40%)
Tutorials (40%)
Article review (15%)
Class participation (5%)
See Blackboard.
See the course outline.