The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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PUK Wing Kin
PUK Wing Kin

B.A. (CUHK); M.Phil. (Hong Kong Baptist University); D.Phil. (Oxon)
Associate Professor, Department of History, CUHK;
Vice Chairman (Internal); Head of Graduate Division

Room 118, 1/F, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
(852) 3943 7062

I am interested in the socio-economic history of Ming-Qing China, in other words, it is Capitalism that I have to deal with. In my D.Phil. thesis, I study the Ming salt ticket and explore the rise and fall of the public credit market in seventeenth century China. Capitalism is not only about rational calculation on the individual basis, it can also involve massive violence on a global scale. I therefore find it necessary to adopt a comparative approach in studying the economic development, social transformation, and military conflict in both China and the West in the last 500 years.

Research Interests
  • Socio-economic History
  • Historical Anthropology
  • Imperial Civil Examination System
  • Legal History
  • Military History
  • Cultural History
Selected Publications

: Peer-reviewed journal articles, books, or book chapters

Year 2024

  • 卜永堅,〈藏身學海書樓的一本清朝科舉應試教材:沈叔眉編《目耕齋讀本全集》〉,收入梁元生、姜本末編,《學海書樓與香江文教》(香港:中華書局,2024年7月),頁23-35。[Puk Wing Kin, “Of Mugengzhai duben quanji, a cram school textbook for the Imperial Civil Exam in the Qing dynasty”, in Leung Yuen Sang and Jiang Benmo eds., Xuehai shulou yu xiangjiang wenjiao (Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book, July 2024), 23-35.
  • ★ “Soldier, Hostage, Diplomat: The Odyssey of Mao Guoke and the End of the Sixteenth-Century Korea War,” China and Asia 5, Issue 2 (2024): 224-255.;

Year 2023

  • 〈鄒伯奇與對數〉,「嶺南文化與世界」國際學術會議論文(香港研究資助局協作研究計劃#C4006-22GF),2023年11月24日,香港中文大學祖堯堂。
  • 〈藏身學海書樓的一本清朝科舉應試教材:沈叔眉編《目耕齋讀本全集》〉,「學海書樓與香江文教」學術研討會論文(香港研究資助局協作研究計劃#C4006-22GF),2023年10月13日,香港中文大學祖堯堂。

Year 2022

  • “Bloody Headcount: A Dispute Over Reward and the Mutiny of the Ming Southern Soldiers in the First Stage of the Korea War (1592–1595),” Mihoko Oka ed., War and Trade in Maritime East Asia (Palgrave Studies in Comparative Global History, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022), pp. 173-195.

Year 2021

  • ★”North China Herald’s View of the May Fourth Incident,” Journalism History, Vol. 47, No. 3 (August 2021), pp. 251-262.
  • 〈清代科舉與清代樸學—光緒六年庚辰(1880)會試王懿榮第三場策問試第一題的例子〉,馮志弘、許國惠、施仲謀編,《中國歷史文化教育及研究》(香港:中華書局,2021年12月),頁32-43。[“Examination and Evidential Research: the case of Wang Yirong’s Policy Questions paper for the 1880 Metropolitan Examination,” Fung Chi Wang, Hui Kwok Wai and Si Chung Mou eds., Zhongguo lishi wenhua jiaoyu ji yanjiu (Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book, 2021), pp. 32-43.]

Year 2020

  • 〈明代慈谿縣賦役制度之演變:以四本地方志為中心〉,《田野與文獻:華南研究資料中心通訊》,第98期(2020年4月15日),頁16-31。[“The transformation of tax and labor service system in Cixi County in the Ming Dynasty: some observations from four local gazetteers,” Fieldwork and Documents: South China Research Resource Station Newsletter, Vol. 98 (15 April 2020), pp. 16-31.]
  • 〈十九世紀李毓昌案的「理性」與「迷信」〉,《明清史評論》,第3輯(2020年6月),頁104-140。[“Of ‘rationality’ and ‘superstition’ in the Case of Li Yuchang in the 19th century,” Mingqingshi pinglun, Vol. 3 (June 2020), pp. 104-140.]
  • 〈世傳袁煒「洛水岐山」青詞續考〉,《明清論叢》,第19輯(2020年8月),頁330-343。[“A further study of a Daoist couplet ‘Luoshui Qishan’ attributed to Yuan Wei in the Ming dynasty,” Mingqing luncong, Vol. 19 (August 2020), pp. 330-343. ]
  • 〈16世紀朝鮮戰爭所反映的明朝政治生態—以柳思瑗《文興君控于錄》為中心〉,《山大史學》,第1輯(2020年12月),頁157-169。[“16 shiji chaoxian zhanzheng suo fanying de mingchao zhengzhi shengtai: yi Liu Siyuan Wenxingjun kongyulu wei zhongxin”, Shanda Shixue, Vol. 1 (December 2020), pp. 157-169.]
  • ★〈周茂蘭血疏貼黃藁題跋的遺民心曲與遞藏流轉〉,《東吳歷史學報》,第19輯(2020年12月31日 ),頁1-43。[“Zhou Maolan’s Tiehuang and its Postcripts: a new and evlasting text in blood,” Soochow Journal of History, No, 40 (31 December 2020), pp. 1-43]

Year 2019

  •  Book Review: On the Trail of the Yellow Tiger: War, Trauma, and Social Dislocation in Southwest China during the Ming–Qing Transition. By Kenneth M. Swope. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2018. 456 pp. $55.00 (cloth). Journal of Chinese History中國歷史學刊Volume 3, Issue 1 (January 2019), pp. 181-183.  DOI:
  • 〈清末民初幕友的交遊網絡—以劉乃勛《一廬全集》為中心〉,中山大學嶺南文化研究院、溫春來主編,《區域史研究》,第1輯(2019年6月),頁128-141。“The social network of legal advisors in late Qing and early Republican era: the case of Liu Naixun”, Quyushi yanjiu, Vol. 1 (June 2019), pp. 128-141.
  • “The East Asian War of 1592–98 and the court politics in the Ming dynasty,” Chinese Studies in History, Vol. 52, Issue 1 (June 2019), pp. 5-22. [Translation of 〈十六世紀朝鮮戰爭與明朝中央政治〉(2017)]
  • 梁元生、卜永堅,《香港園丁:李耀祥傳》(香港企業家傳記系列八,香港:中華書局,2019年6月)。242頁。ISBN: 9789888573646。[Leung Yuan Sang and Puk Wing Kin, Xianggang yuanding: li yaoxiang zhuan (Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book, 2019). 242 pp. ISBN: 9789888573646.]
  • 〈18世紀湖北麻城案之研究〉,《田野與文獻:華南研究資料中心通訊》,第95期(2019年7月15日),頁1-12。[“A study of the Case of Macheng in 18th century Hubei,” Fieldwork and Documents: South China Research Resource Station Newsletter, Vol. 95 (15 July 2019), pp. 1-12.]
  • 〈書評:孫衛國,《從「尊明」到「奉清」:朝鮮王朝對清意識之嬗變(1627-1910)》〉,《新亞學報》,第36卷(2019),頁353-357。Book Review: Cong “zunming” dao “fengqing”: chaoxian wangchao duiqing yishi zhi shanbian (1627-1910). By Sun Weiguo. Taipei: National University of Taiwan Press, 2018. New Asia Journal 36 (August 2019), pp. 353-357.
  • 〈書評:陳永明,《從逆寇到民族英雄—清代張煌言形象的轉變》〉,《新亞學報》,第36卷(2019),頁359-362。Book Review: Cong nikou dao minzu yingxiong: qingdai zhang huangyan xingxiang de zhuanbian. By Chan Wing Ming. Taipei: National University of Taiwan Press, 2017. New Asia Journal 36 (August 2019), pp. 359-362.

Year 2018

  • 劉乃勛原著 ; 程中山、卜永堅編纂,《一廬全集》(香港:中華書局,2018),4冊。[Liu Naixun, eds. Ching Chung-shan and Puk Wing-kin, Yilu quanji(Hong Kong: Chung Hwa, 2018), 4 vols. ISBN 9789888512300]
  • Book Review: On the Trail of the Yellow Tiger: War, Trauma, and Social Dislocation in Southwest China during the Ming–Qing Transition. By Kenneth M. Swope. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2018. 456 pp. $55.00 (cloth). Journal of Chinese History中國歷史學刊Volume 3, Issue 1 (January 2019), pp. 181-183.  DOI:

Year 2017

  • 卜永堅,徐世博主編,《政變時期的八股:光緒二十四年戊戌科會試試卷分析》(香港:中華書局(香港),2017年4月)。287頁,ISBN 9789888463312。 [Puk Wing-kin and Xu Shibo eds., Zhengbian shiqi de bagu: guangxu ershisinian wuxuke huishi shijuan fenxi(Eight-legged essays in the age of coup d’etat: a study of the 1898 metropolitan exam papers) (Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co., April 2017). 287 pp, ISBN 9789888463312]
  • 〈緒論:戊戌科會試頭場首藝之綜合分析〉,載卜永堅,徐世博主編,《政變時期的八股:光緒二十四年戊戌科會試試卷分析》(香港:中華書局(香港),2017年4月),頁2-23。ISBN 9789888463312。[Xulun: wuxuke huishi touchang shouyi zhi zonghe fenxi (Introduction: a general analysis of the exam papers in the first sesion of the 1898 Metropolitan Examination), in Puk Wing-kin and Xu Shibo eds., Zhengbian shiqi de bagu: guangxu ershisinian wuxuke huishi shijuan fenxi(Eight-legged essays in the age of coup d’etat: a study of the 1898 metropolitan exam papers) (Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co., April 2017). pp. 2-23. ISBN 9789888463312]
  • 〈緒論:《論語陽貨》「孔子不見」解題〉,載卜永堅,徐世博主編,《政變時期的八股:光緒二十四年戊戌科會試試卷分析》(香港:中華書局(香港),2017年4月),頁207-220。ISBN 9789888463312。 [Xulun: Lunyu yanghuo kongzi bujian jieti (Introduction: an erudiction on sentence “Confucius refused to meet (Yanghuo)” in the chapter “Yanghuo” of Confuxius’ The Analects), in Puk Wing-kin and Xu Shibo eds., Zhengbian shiqi de bagu: guangxu ershisinian wuxuke huishi shijuan fenxi(Eight-legged essays in the age of coup d’etat: a study of the 1898 metropolitan exam papers) (Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co., April 2017). pp. 207-220. ISBN 9789888463312]
  • ★〈「十六紀朝鮮戰爭」專號導言〉,《明代研究》第28期(2017年6月),頁1-3。【“Introduction to Speical Issue on the Sixteenth-century Japanese invasions of Korea”, Journal of Ming Studies, Vol. 28, June 2017, pp.1-3.】
  • ★〈十六世紀朝鮮戰爭與明朝中央政治〉,《明代研究》第28期(2017年6月),頁39-63。【“Ming court politics and the Sixteenth-century Japanese invasions of Korea”, Journal of Ming Studies, Vol. 28, June 2017, pp. 39-63.】
  • ★〈「十六紀朝鮮戰爭」專欄前言〉,《新亞學報》第34期(2017年8月),頁227-230。【“Introduction to Speical Issue on the Sixteenth-century Korea War”, New Asia Journal, Vol. 34, August 2017, pp. 227-230.】
  • 〈廖恩燾和粵語文學〉,載程美寶、黃素娟編著,《省港澳大眾文化與都市變遷》(北京:社會科學文獻出版社,2017年1月),頁291-321。[Puk Wing-kin, “Liao Entao yu yueyu wenxue”, in Ching May-bo and Huang Sujuan eds., Shenggangao dazhong wenhua yu dushi bianqian (Beijing: Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2017), 291-321.]

Year 2016

  • ★The Rise and Fall of a Public Debt Market in 16th-Century China: the Story of the Ming Salt Certificate (Monies, Markets, and Finance in East Asia, 1600-1900 series, Vol. 8, Leiden: Brill, 2016). viii, 202 pp. ISBN 9789004305731
  • 卜永堅、錢念民編,《廖恩燾詞箋注》(廣州:廣東人民出版社,2016)。2册,1209頁,

Year 2015

  • 卜永堅、李林編著,《科場八股·世變—光緒十二年丙戌科進士群體研究》(香港:中華書局(香港)有限公司,2015年6月)。579頁,ISBN 9789888340408。[Puk Wing-kin and Li Lin eds., Kechang, bagu, shibian—guangxu 12 nian bingxu ke jinshi qunti yanjiu(A Study of the 1886 Class of Jinshi) (Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co., 2015). 579 pp., ISBN 9789888340408.]
  • 〈〈子張問行〉十四篇試卷之綜合分析〉,載卜永堅、李林編著,《科場八股·世變—光緒十二年丙戌科進士群體研究》(香港:中華書局(香港)有限公司,2015年6月),頁118-146。[“A study of the 14 ‘eight-legged essays’ during the Metropolitan Examiniation in 1886”, in Puk Wing-kin and Li Lin eds., Kechang, bagu, shibian—guangxu 12 nian bingxu ke jinshi qunti yanjiu (Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co., 2015), pp. 118-146.]
  • 〈漢延熹西嶽華山廟碑之研究──以順德本為中心〉,《中國文化研究所通訊》2015年第4期 [“A study of the Shunde rubbing of the Eastern Han stelle of the Temple of Mt. Hua”, Institute for Chinese Studies Bulletin, 2015, No. 4]

Year 2014

  • ★〈萬曆朝鮮戰爭第一階段(1592-1593)的明軍—以《中國明朝檔案總匯》衛所選簿爲中心之考察〉,中國社會科學院歷史研究所明史研究室編,《明史研究論叢》第12輯(北京:中國廣播電視出版社,2014年1月),頁132-141。[“The Ming force of the first stage of the Korean War (1592-1593): a study of the Ming army officer resumes”, Mingshi yanjiu luncong, Vol. 12 (January 2014), pp. 132-141.]
  • 〈「阿禮國修約」第九款與清末制定商法之起源〉,載莫華釗、梁元生、胡波、侯杰主編,《買辦與近代中西文化交流》(廣州:廣東經濟出版社,2014年2月),頁378-391。[“(Alcock Convention and the origin of Commercial Code of late Qing)”,in Mok Wah-chiu, Leung Yuen-sang, Hu Bo and Hou Jie eds., Maiban yu jindai zhongxi wenhua jiaoliu(Guangzhou: Guangdong jingji chubanshe, 2014), pp. 378-391.]
  • 〈評城地孝,《長城と北京の朝政──明代內閣政治の展開と變容》〉,《明代研究》,第22期(2014年6月),頁145-153。[“Book review: Jōchi Takashi, Chōjō to Pekin no chōsei: Mindai naikaku seiji no tenkai to hen’yō (Kyōto-shi : Kyōto Daigaku Gakujutsu Shuppankai, 2012) “, Mingdai yanjiu, Vol. 22 (June 2014), pp. 145-153.]
  • 〈抗租與迎神:從己卯年(1999)香港大埔林村鄉十年一度太平清醮看清代林村與龍躍頭鄧氏之關係〉,收入蔡志祥、韋錦新編,《延續與變革:香港社區建醮傳統的民族誌》(香港:香港中文大學,2014),頁121-134。[“Rent resistance and goddess parade: Lam Chuen Village and Long Yuek Tau Village in the Qing dynasty”, in Choi Chi-cheung and Wei Jinxin eds., Yanxu yu biange: xianggang shequ jianjiao chuantong de minzuzhi(Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014), pp. 121-134.]
  • ★卜永堅、劉永華、巫能昌,〈宗教儀式.地域社會.歷史脉絡:婺源縣玉坦村2009年11月仙水老爺醮考察報告〉,《地方文化研究》,2014年第4期(總第10期),頁92-103。[Bu Yongjian, Liu Yonghua, Wu Nengchang, “Zongjiao yishi, diyu shehui, lishi mailuo: wuyuanxian yutancun 2009 nian 11 yue xianshui laoye jiao kaocha baogao (Religious rituals, local society, historical context: the Jiao Festival in honour of the Lord of the Sacred Water in Yutan Village of Wuyuan County, November 2009),” Difang Wenhua Yanjiu, 2014, No. 4, pp. 92-103.]
  • 翻譯:勞格文、科大衛著,卜永堅翻譯,〈序論〉,勞格文、科大衛編,《中國鄉村與墟鎮神聖空間的建構》(北京:社會科學文獻出版社,2014年11月),頁1-23。[Translation: John Lagerwey and David Faure, “Introduction”, in John Lagerwey and David Faure eds., Zhongguo xiangcun yu xuzhen shensheng kongjian de jiangou(Beijing: Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2014), pp. 1-23.]

Year 2013

  • ★〈譜牒之爭:以十八世紀婺源詹氏為中心〉,鄭振滿主編,饒偉新本輯主編,《廈門大學民間歷史文獻研究中心民間歷史文獻論叢》第一輯《族譜研究》(北京:社會科學文獻出版社,2013),頁330-343。[“Disputes of genealogy: the Zhans of Wuyuan in the 18th century”, Zhen Zhenman and Rao Weixin ed., Studies on Local Historical Documents, Vol. 1, Genealogy (Beijing: Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2013), pp. 330-343.]
  • 卜永堅、畢新丁編,《婺源的宗族、經濟與民俗》(徽州傳統社會叢書,上海:復旦大學出版社,2013年8月)。[Puk Wing-kin, Bi Xinding eds., Wuyuan de zongzu, jingji yu minsu(Lineages, economy and folk culture of Wuyuan) (Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe, 2013). ISBN 978-7-309-09854-9]

Year 2012

  • Book Review:〈林學忠,《從萬國公法到公法外交—晚清國際法的傳入、詮釋與應用》〉,《輔仁歷史學報》第28期(2012年3月),頁271-285。[Book Review: H.C. Lam, Cong wanguo gongfa dao gongfa waijiao—wanqing guojifa de chuanru, quanshi yu yingyong(From the public law of the ten thousand states to international law diplomacy—the introduction, interpretation and application of international law in late Qing China), Fu Jen Historical Journal  28 (Mar. 2012), pp. 271-285.]
  • 〈戰國時代殲滅會戰之研究:以長平之戰為中心〉,載麥勁生主編,《中國史上的著名戰役》(香港:天地圖書,2012年5月),頁14-30。[“Zhanguo shidai jianmie huizhan zhi yanjiu: yi changping zhi zhan wei zhongxin”, K. S. Mak ed., Zhongguo shi shang de zhuming zhanyi(Hong Kong: Cosmos Books, 2012), pp. 14-30.]
  • ★〈從墓誌銘看明代米氏錦衣衛家族的形成及演變〉,《明清論叢》第12輯(北京:故宮出版社,2012年6月),頁102-112。[“Cong muzhiming kan mingdai mi shi jinyiwei jiazu de xingcheng ji yanbian [The history of the Mi family of Ming Beijing”, Mingqing luncong, Vol. 12 (June 2012), pp. 102-112.]
  • ★〈貨幣貶值時期的通縮?—以《嘉禾吏民田家莂》為中心〉,載黎明釗編,《漢帝國的制度與社會秩序》(香港:牛津大學出版社,2012),頁523-555。[“Huobi bianzhi shiqi de tongsuo? —yi jiahe limin tianjiabie wei zhongxin (Deflation amid currency depreciation?—a study of the jiahe limin tianjiabie)”, in LAI Ming-chiu ed., Handiguo de zhidu yu shehui zhixu(Institution and social order of the Han Empire) (Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 2012), pp. 523-555.]

Year 2011

  • 書評:〈評魏泉《士林交遊與風氣變遷》〉,《九州學林》,2011年春季(2011年4月),頁203-212。[“Book Review: Wei Quan, Shilin jiaoyou yu fengqi bianqian”, Chinese Cultural Quarterly, Spring 2011 (April 2011), pp. 203-212.]
  • 〈香港早期文書—英國國家檔案館藏O.233/185號檔案釋文(上)〉,《華南研究資料中心通訊》第63期(2011年4月15日),頁1-41。[“Historical documents of early Hong Kong: Britain’s National Archives F.O.233/185 (I)”, Fieldwork and Documents: South China Research Resource Station Newsletter, vol. 63 (15th April 2011), pp. 1-41.]
  • ★〈「自古叢社中興,必借王臣外護」—晚明天台宗僧人無盡傳燈的文化網絡〉,載中國社會科學院歷史研究所明史研究室編,《明史研究論叢》第九輯(北京:紫禁城出版社,2011年6月),頁262-273。 [“The cultural network of Tiantaizong Buddhist Wujin Chuandeng in the late Ming”, Mingshi yanjiu luncong, Vol. 9 (June 2011), pp. 262-273.]
  • 〈香港早期文書—英國國家檔案館藏O.233/185號檔案釋文(中)〉,《華南研究資料中心通訊》第64期(2011年7月15日),頁1-39。[“Historical documents of early Hong Kong: Britain’s National Archives F.O.233/185 (II)”, Fieldwork and Documents: South China Research Resource Station Newsletter, vol. 64 (15th July 2011), pp. 1-39.]
  • 香港早期文書—英國國家檔案館藏O.233/185號檔案釋文(下)〉,《華南研究資料中心通訊》第65期(2011年10月15日),頁1-53。[“Historical documents of early Hong Kong: Britain’s National Archives F.O.233/185 (III)”, Fieldwork and Documents: South China Research Resource Station Newsletter, vol. 65 (15th October 2011), pp. 1-53.]
  • 〈丁日昌與晚清兩淮鹽政〉,載丁新豹、周佳榮、麥勁生主編,《丁日昌與近代中國》(香港:中華書局,2011年10月),頁37-45。[“Ding Richang and the late Qing salt monopoly”, in Ting Sun-pao et al eds., Ding Richang yu jindai zhongguo(Hong Kong: Chung Hwa, 2011), pp. 37-45.]
  • ★〈元明清時期婺源縣朱熹崇拜的建構〉,《徽學》,第7卷(2011年12月),頁101-114。[“The construction of the worship of Zhu Xi throughout the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties”, Huixue, Vol. 7 (December 2011), pp. 101-114.]

Year 2010

  • 〈史料介紹—《新安客籍例案錄》〉,《田野與文獻:華南研究資料中心通訊》第58期(2010年1月15日),頁24-35。[“An introduction to Xin’an keji li’anlu”, Fieldwork and Documents: South China Research Resource Station Newsletter, vol. 58 (January 2010), pp. 24-35.]
  • ★”The Ming salt certificate: A public debt system in sixteenth-century China?”, Ming Studies, No. 61 (April 2010), pp. 1-12.
  • ★〈1708年江南饑荒的政治經濟學〉,《河北大學學報(哲學社會科學版)》第35卷第2期(2010年4月),頁19-27。[“The political economy of the famine in Jiangnan in 1708”, Hebei daxue xuebao (zhexue shehui kexue ban), Vol. 35, No. 2 (April 2010), pp. 19-27.]
  • 〈康熙四十七年江南饑荒與政治博弈〉,童星、張海波編,《災害與公共管理—第四屆兩岸三地人文社科論壇論文集》(南京:南京大学出版社,2010年6月),頁66-75。[“The famine in 1708: a game theory analysis”, Tong Xing and Zhang Haibo eds., Zaihai yu gonggong guanli—di si jie liang’an sandi renwensheke luntan lunwenji (Disaster and Public Administration: Proceedings of the 4th humanities and social sciences forum across the Taiwan Strait (Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 2010), pp. 66-75.]
  • ★〈鹽引.公債.資本市場:以十五、十六世紀兩淮鹽政為中心〉,《歷史研究》,2010年第4期(2010年8月),頁87-98。[“Salt certificates, public debt, capital market: a study of the Lianghuai salt administration in 15th-16th-century China”, Lishi yanjiu Vol. 4, 2010, pp. 87-98]
  • ★《遊戲官場—陞官圖與中國官場文化》(香港:中華書局,2010年7月初版,2011年7月再版)。 [Youxi guanchang — shengguantu yu zhongguo guanchang wenhua(Hong Kong: Zhonghua shuju, 2010, 2011).]
  • ★〈從「葬寔僕真」到「一體開豁」—以徽州婺源余姓《欽定例案》為中心〉,載中國政法大學法律古籍整理研究所編,《中國古代法律文獻研究》第四輯(北京:法律出版社,2010年12月),頁287-309。[“The Yus against the Ges and Hus: lineages, bondservants and social conflict in eighteenth-century Wuyuan”, Zhongguo gudai falv wenxian yanjiu, Vol. 4 (December 2010), pp. 287-309.]
  • Book Review:〈Paola Zamperini, Lost Bodies: Prostitution and Masculinity in Chinese Fiction (Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2010)〉,《近代中國婦女史研究》,第18期(2010年12月),頁319-324. [“Book Review: Paola Zamperini, Lost Bodies: Prostitution and Masculinity in Chinese Fiction (Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2010)”, Research on Women in Modern Chinese History, Vol. 18 (December 2010), pp. 319-324.]

Year 2009

  • 〈清末民初江西贛南一份訴訟文書之研究〉,《贛南師範學院學報》,2009年第2期,頁3-12。[A study of a lawsuit manual of late Qing and early Republican era found in Jiangxi, Journal of Gannan Teachers College, Vol. 30, No. 1 (February 2009), pp. 3-12.]
  • 〈聶爾康《濂江公牘》、《岡州公牘》、《梅關公牘》、《岡州再牘》、《高涼公牘》簡介及編目〉,載游子安、卜永堅編,《問俗觀風—香港及華南歷史與文化》(香港:華南研究會,2009),頁15-36。[“A briefly annotated table of content for Nie Erkang’s administrative and judiciary papers”, in Yau Chi-on and Puk Wing-kin ed., Wenshu guanfeng—xianggang ji huanan lishi yu wenhua (Hong Kong: South China Research Circle, 2009), pp. 15-36.]
  • ★〈錢海岳及其《南明史》:中國現代史學界的幽光〉,《中國文化研究所學報》,第49期(2009),頁385-411。[“Qian Haiyue’s History of the Southern Ming and Modern Chinese Historiography”, Journal of Chinese Studies, Vol. 49 (2009), pp. 385-411.]
  • “Salt, 1800-1949”, in David Pong ed., Encyclopedia of Modern China (Detroit, MI.: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2009), pp. 330-333.
  • 〈徐潤與晚清經濟〉,香港中文大學中國文化研究所文物館、香港中文大學歷史系合編,《買辦與近代中國》(香港:三聯書店,2009),頁220-232。[“Xu Run and late Qing economy”, in Chinese University of Hong Kong Museum and Department of History eds, Maiban yu jindai zhongguo (Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 2009), pp. 220-232.]
  • ★〈「毋煛」如何變成「武曌」?—陳眉公訂正秘笈本屠隆《考槃餘事.茶箋》的一則錯誤〉,《九州學林》第7卷第2期(2009年夏季),頁112-137。[“From Wu Jiong to Wu Zhao: the making of an error in Tu Long’s Kaopan yushi”, Chinese Culture Quarterly, Vol. 7, No. 2 (2009), pp. 112-137.]
  • ★ “Reaching out for the Ladder of Success: ‘Outsiders’ and the Civil Examination in Late Imperial China”, in Siu-keung Cheung, Joseph Tse-hei Lee and Lida V. Nedilsky eds., Marginalization in China: Recasting Minority Politics (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), pp. 21-34.
  • Book Review:〈政治民主有利於公債債主嗎?—評大衛.史達沙維奇《公債與民主國家的誕生》〉,《古今論衡》,第19期(2009年7月),頁125-146。[“Did Political Democracy Favour Holders of Public Debt?—A Review of David Stasavage’s Public Debt and the Birth of the Democratic State: France and Great Britain, 1688-1789”, Past & Present, Vol. 19 (July 2009, Taipei), pp. 124-146.]
  • ★〈陰那山田產訴訟與17世紀廣東程鄉縣〉,「明清法律史專號」,《歷史人類學》第7卷第2期(2009年10月),頁5-30。[“Property lawsuits on Mt. Yinna and Chengxiang County, Guangdong, in the seventeenth century”, Special Issue on Ming-Qing Legal History, Journal of History and Anthropology, Vol. 7, No. 2 (October 2009), pp. 5-30.]
  • Translation:松原健太郎著,卜永堅譯,〈是信託還是法人?中國宗族財產的管治問題〉,「明清法律史專號」,《歷史人類學》第7卷第2期(2009年10月),頁73-104。
  • 〈史料介紹—香港殖民地早期中英官民交涉文書33通〉,《田野與文獻:華南研究資料中心通訊》第57期(2009年10月),頁16-26。[“33 official and private documents from the early colonial Hong Kong period, Fieldwork and Documents: South China Research Resource Station Newsletter, vol. 57 (October 2009), pp. 16-26.]
  • ★〈明朝十六世紀兩淮鹽政的制度創新:以《鹽法條例》為中心〉,《明代研究》第13期(2009年12月),頁109-136。[“Institutional innovation in sixteenth-century Lianghuai salt administration: notes on the newly discovered Yanfa tiaoli”, Journal of Ming Studies, No. 13 (December 2009), pp. 109-136.]
  • Translation:科大衛(David W. Faure)著,卜永堅譯,《皇帝和祖宗—華南的國家與宗族》[Emperor and Ancestor: State and Lineage in South China](南京:江蘇鳳凰出版社,2009)。

Year 2008

  • 蕭國健﹑卜永堅,〈廣東香山縣小欖華平社蕭氏文獻專號〉,《田野與文獻:華南研究資料中心通訊》第50期(2008年1月),頁1-53。[Siu Kwok-kin and Puk Wing-kin, “Archives of the Huapingshe Xiao lineage in Xiaolan of Xiangshan County of Guangdong”, Special Issue, Fieldwork and Documents: South China Research Resource Station Newsletter, vol. 50 (January 2008), pp. 1-53.]
  • ★〈明清徽州程元譚墓地的糾紛:以《新安程氏家乘》為中心〉,《徽學》,第6卷(2008),頁82-97。[“The dispute about the grave of Cheng Yuantan in Ming-Qing Huizhou “, Huixue, Vol. 6 (2008), pp. 82-97.]
  • 〈墟市研究〉,載廖迪生、張兆和、黃永豪、蕭麗娟主編,《大埔:傳統與文物》(香港:大埔區議會,2008),頁50-64。[“A study of the Tai Po market”, in Liu Tik-sang, Cheung Siu-woo, Wong Wing-ho and Siu Lai-kuen eds., Taipo: Tradition and Heritage (Hong Kong: Taipo District Council, 2008), pp. 50-64.]
  • Book Review: “Dunstan, Helen. State or Merchant? Political Economy and Political Process in 1740s China.” Business History Review, Vol. 82, Issue 4 (Winter 2008), pp. 903-5.
  • Book Review:〈老夫聊發少年狂—韋慶遠:《正德風雲:蕩子皇帝朱厚照別傳》〉,《二十一世紀》,第110期(2008年11月),頁139-143。[“Review on Wei Qingyuan, Zhengde fengyun: dangzi huangdi zhu houzhao biezhuan”, Ershiyi shiji, Vol. 110 (November 2008), pp. 139-43.]
  • Book Review:〈評賴建誠《邊鎮糧餉:明代中後期的邊防經費與國家財政危機,1531-1602》〉,《明代研究》,第11期(2008年12月),頁163-73。[“Review on Lai Jiancheng, Bianzhen liangxiang: mingdai zhonghouqi de bianfang jingfei yu guojia caizheng weiji, 1531-1602”, Mingdai Yanjiu, Vol. 11 (December 2008), pp. 163-73.]

Year 2007

  • 蕭國健、卜永堅,〈(清)袁永綸《靖海氛記》箋註專號〉,《田野與文獻:華南研究資料中心通訊》第46期(2007年1月),頁1-49。[Siu Kwok-kin and Puk Wing-kin, “An Annotation on Yuan Yonglun’s Jing hai fen ji”, Special Issue, Fieldwork and Documents: South China Research Resource Station Newsletter, vol. 46 (January 2007), pp. 1-49.]
  • Book Review:〈Mark Overton, Jane Whittle, Darron Dean and Andrew Hann, Production and Consumption in English Households, 1600-1750 (London and New York: Routledge, 2004)〉,《中國社會歷史評論》第8卷(2007),頁398-407。
  • ★〈明代的公共資本市場:以兩淮鹽引為中心〉,《明代研究》第10期(2007年12月),頁105-121。[“The rise and fall of the public capital market in the Ming dynasty: the case of salt ticket”, Mingdai yanjiu, Vol. 10 (December 2007), pp. 105-121.]

Year 2006

  • 張小軍、卜永堅、丁荷生(Kenneth Dean),〈《陝山地區水資源與民間社會調查資料集》補遺七則〉,《華南研究資料中心通訊》第42期(2006年1月),頁1-29。[Zhang Xiaojun, Puk Wing-kin and Kenneth Dean, “Supplementary notes to Shaanshan diqu shui ziyuan yu minjian shehui diaocha ziliao ji”, South China Research Resources Station Newsletter, vol. 42 (January 2006), pp. 1-29.]
  • Book Review:〈松田京子,《帝國の視線—博覽會と異文化表象》〉,《歷史人類學學刊》第4卷第1期(2006年4月),頁139-143。[Review on Teikoku no shisen—hakurankai to ibunka hyoushou by Matsuda Kyouko”, Journal of History and Anthropology, vol. 4, no. 1 (April 2006), pp. 139-143.]
  • ★〈鹽商‧鹽官‧宗族—以黟縣弘村汪氏宗族為中心〉,《徽學》,第4卷(2006),頁113-122。[“A study of the Wang lineage in Hong Village of Yixian of Huizhou in early Qing”, Huixue, Vol. 4 (2006), pp. 113-122.]
  • 香港城市大學中國文化中心編,鄭培凱總策劃,卜永堅責任編輯,《明代政治與文化變遷》(中國文化中心講座系列,香港:香港城市大學出版社,2006)。[Chinese Civilisation Centre, Cheng Pei-kai, Puk Wing-kin eds., Politics and Cultural Change in the Ming dynasty (Chinese Civilisation Centre Cultural Lecture Series, Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press, 2006).]
  • Book Review:〈評三木聰,《明清福建農村社會の研究》〉,《九州學林》第4卷第2期(2006年夏季),頁348-358。[“Review on Min shin fukken nouson shakai no kenkyuu by Miki Satoshi”, Chinese Cultural Quarterly, vol. 4, no. 2 (Summer 2006), pp. 348-358.]

Year 2005

  • ★〈袁世振之研究〉,《九州學林》第3卷第1期(2005年春季),頁252-274。[“A study of Yuan Shizhen”, Chinese Culture Quarterly, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2005), pp. 252-274.]
  • 〈碑中血淚:從三篇碑文看清朝的廣東漁民〉,香港城市大學中國文化中心編,《考察香港:文化歷史個案研究》(香港:三聯書店,2005),頁221-239。[“The livelihood of fishing people in Qing Guangdong” Chinese Civilisation Centre ed., Case Studies on Hong Kong Culture and History (Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 2005), pp. 221-239.]
  • Book Review:〈Margot C. Finn, The Character of Credit: Personal Debt in English Culture, 1740-1914 (Cambridge Social and Cultural Histories 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003)〉,《中國社會歷史評論》第6卷(2005),頁369-373。[“Review on The Character of Credit: Personal Debt in English Culture, 1740-1914 by Margot C. Finn (Cambridge Social and Cultural Histories 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003)”, Chinese Social History Review, vol. 6 (2005), pp. 369-373.]

Year 2004

  • 〈第二次鴉片戰爭的前哨戰:1857年香港東涌戰役〉,載李金強、麥勁生、蘇維初、丁新豹等編,《我武維揚:近代中國海軍史新論》(香港:香港海防博物館,2004),頁247-261。[“The two battles of Tung Choong in 1857: the prelude to the Second Opium War, in Lee Kam-keung, Mak King-sang, So Wao-chor, and Joseph S.P. Ting ed., Modern Chinese Naval History: New Perspectives (Hong Kong: Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence, 2004), pp. 247-261.]
  • Book Review:〈天津的近代?近代的天津?—評吉澤誠一郎,《天津の近代-清末都市における政治文化と社會統合》〉,《九州學林》第2卷第1期(2004年春季),頁365-380。[“Review on Tenshin no kindai: Shinmatsu toshi ni okeru seiji gunka to shakai tougou by Yoshizawa Seiichiro”, Chinese Cultural Quarterly, vol. 2, no. 1 (Spring 2004), pp. 365-380.]
  • 〈元代的佛道衝突—以河北省蔚縣浮圖村玉泉寺碑為中心〉,《華南研究資料中心通訊》第35期(2004年4月),頁17-31。 [“Buddhist-Daoist conflict in the Yuan dynasty: a study of a stone inscription in Yuquan monastery in Futu village in Yuxian of Hebei”, South China Research Resources Station Newsletter, vol. 35 (April 2004), pp. 17-31.]
  • Book Review:〈Madeleine Zelin, Jonathan K. Ocko, and Robert Gardella eds, Contract and Property in Early Modern China〉,《歷史人類學學刊》第2卷第1期(2004年4月),頁206-209。[“Review on Contract and Property in Early Modern China by Madeleine Zelin, Jonathan K. Ocko, and Robert Gardella”, Journal of History and Anthropology, vol. 2, no. 1 (April 2004), pp. 206-209.]
  • ★〈清初歙縣槐塘程氏的文化建構〉,《史林》2004年第5期,頁52-61。[“The cultural construction of the Cheng lineage in Huaitang of Shexian in early Qing”, Shilin, No. 5 (2004), pp. 52-61.]
  • Book Review:〈手淫:大成問題?不成問題?-評《手淫:一個大恐慌的歷史》及《孤獨的性:手淫的文化史》兩書〉,《新史學》第15卷第3期(2004年9月),頁227-244。[“Review on Masturbation: The History of a Great Terror by Jean Stengers and Anne van Neck, trans. Kathryn A. Hoffman, and Solitary Sex: a Cultural History of Masturbation by Thomas Laqueur”, New History, vol. 15, no. 3 (September 2004), pp. 227-244.]
  • Book Review:〈評Elisabeth Köll, From Cotton Mill to Business Empire: the Emergence of Regional Enterprise in Modern China〉,《九州學林》第2卷第4期(2004年冬季),頁321-329。[“Review on From Cotton Mill to Business Empire: the Emergence of Regional Enterprise in Modern China by Elisabeth Köll”, Chinese Cultural Quarterly, vol. 2, no. 4 (Winter 2004), pp. 321-329

Year 2003

  • Book Review:〈Kwan Man Bun, The Salt Merchants of Tianjin: State-Making and Civil Society in Late Imperial China〉,《新史學》第14卷第1期(2003年3月),頁219-224。[“Review on The Salt Merchants of Tianjin: State-Making and Civil Society in Late Imperial China by Kwan Man Bun”, New History, vol. 14, no. 1 (March 2003), pp. 219-224.]
  • 〈「蘇海韓潮」中的「蠻煙瘴雨」:海南省海口市府城區金花村海瑞閣小考〉,《華南研究資料中心通訊》第31期(2003年4月),頁1-12。[“A study of Hairuige at Jinhua village, Haikou, Hainan Province”, South China Research Resources Station Newsletter, vol. 31 (April 2003), pp. 1-12.]
  • Book Review:〈評《走進歷史田野:歷史人類學的愛爾蘭史個案研究》〉,《九州學林》創刊號(2003年秋季),頁396-405。[“Review on Approaching the Past: Historical Anthropology through Irish Case Studies (Chinese translation) by Marilyn Silverman and P.H. Gulliver”, Chinese Cultural Quarterly, vol. 1, no. 1 (Autumn 2003), pp. 396-405.]
  • 香港城市大學中國文化中心編,鄭培凱總策劃,游子安、張為群、卜永堅責任編輯,《嶺南歷史與社會》(中國文化中心講座系列,香港:香港城市大學出版社,2003)。[Chinese Civilisation Centre, Cheng Pei-kai, Yau Chi-on, Cheung Wai-kwan, Puk Wing-kin eds., South China: History and Society (Chinese Civilisation Centre Cultural Lecture Series, Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press, 2003).]
  • 游子安、張瑞威、卜永堅編著,《黃大仙區風物志》(香港:黃大仙區議會,2003)。[Yau Chi-on, Cheung Sui-wai and Puk Wing-kin, A History of the Wong Tai Sin District (Hong Kong: Wong Tai Sin District Board, 2003).]

Year 2002

  • 〈史料介紹:1835年英船於廣東遇劫事件〉,《華南研究資料中心通訊》第26期(2002年1月),頁7-13。[“The robbery of the English bark Troughton in Guangdong in 1835”, South China Research Resources Station Newsletter, vol. 26 (January 2002), pp. 7-13.]
  • ★〈天啟黃山大獄中的徽州鹽商〉,《大陸雜誌》第104卷第4期(2002年4月),頁18-37。 [“The prosecution of Huizhou salt merchants by the Ming palace eunuchs in 1626”, The Continent Magazine, vol. 104, no. 4 (2002), pp. 18-37.]
  • ★〈商業里甲制—探討1617年兩淮鹽政之「綱法」〉,《中國社會經濟史研究》2002年第2期,頁14-21。[“Commercial lijia system: on the gang system in Lianghuai salt administration in 1617”, The Journal of Chinese Social and Economic History, no. 2 (2002), pp. 14-21.]
  • Book Review:〈探討明末流寇叛亂的新視點—評吉尾寬《明末の流賊反亂と地域社會》〉,《史林》2002年第3期,頁120-121。[“Review on Minmatsu no ryuzoku hanran to chiiki shakai by Yoshio Hiroshi”, Shilin, vol. 3 (2002), pp. 120-121.]
  • Book Review:〈是暴力經濟,而非農民起義—評大衛.羅賓遜《盜賊、太監、天子—明朝中期的叛亂以及暴力經濟》〉,《史學集刊》2002年第4期,頁89-91。[“Review on Bandits, Eunuchs, and the Son of Heaven: Rebellion and the Economy of Violence in mid-Ming China by David Robinson”, Shixue jikan, vol. 4 (2002), pp. 89-91.]

Year 2001

  • 〈香港史的教與學—吟游集〉,《華南研究資料中心通訊》第22期(2001年1月),頁4-9。[“Poems on Hong Kong history”, South China Research Resources Station Newsletter, vol. 22 (January 2001), pp. 4-9.]
  • ★〈清代法律中的「不應為」律與雍正五年「奸頑佃戶」例〉,《中國文化研究所學報》2001年新第十期(總第41期),頁111-150。[“Qing Law against ‘doing that which ought not to be done’ and the 1727 Regulation against ‘scoundrel tenants'”, Journal of Chinese Studies, vol. 10 (2001), pp. 111-150.]
  • 〈潮劇《洛神》文本考釋〉,《牆/場外音》試刊第5期(2001年12月)。[“A textual study of the Chaozhou opera Luo shen”, I Think Theatre, vol. 5 (December 2001)]

 Year 2000

  • 〈抗租與迎神:從己卯年(1999)香港大埔林村鄉十年一度太平清醮看清代林村與龍躍頭鄧氏之關係〉,《華南研究資料中心通訊》第18期(2000年1月),頁1-7。[“Rent resistance and goddess parade: Lam Chuen Village and Long Yuek Tau Village in the Qing dynasty”, South China Research Resources Station Newsletter, vol. 18 (January 2000), pp. 1-7.]
  • ★《遊戲官場—陞官圖與中國官場文化》(香港:中華書局,2010年7月初版,2011年7月再版)。 [Youxi guanchang — shengguantu yu zhongguo guanchang wenhua(Hong Kong: Zhonghua shuju, 2010, 2011).] ISBN 9789628931750

Year 1999

  • Translation:馬格林(Stephen A. Marglin)著,卜永堅譯,〈農民﹑種籽商和科學家—農業體系與知識體系〉,文化社會研究譯叢編委會編,《發展的迷思》(文化社會研究譯叢四,香港:牛津大學出版社,1999年),頁145-222。

Year 1998

  • Translation:巴利巴爾(Etienne Balibar)著,卜永堅譯,〈種族主義與國族主義〉,文化社會研究譯叢編委會編,《解殖與民族主義》(文化社會研究譯叢三,香港:牛津大學出版社,1998),頁147-189。

Year 1997

  • Translation:韋伯(Max Weber)著,文一郡(卜永堅筆名)譯,〈資本主義與農業社會〉,甘陽編選,《民族國家與經濟政策—韋伯文選第一卷》(社會與思想叢書,香港:牛津大學出版社,1997),頁89-115。
  • Translation:韋伯(Max Weber)著,甘陽、文一郡(卜永堅筆名)合譯,〈就職演講:民族國家與經濟政策〉,甘陽編選,《民族國家與經濟政策—韋伯文選第一卷》(社會與思想叢書,香港:牛津大學出版社,1997),頁61-87。
  • Translation:黃宗智著,文一郡(卜永堅筆名)譯,〈國家和社會之間的第三領域〉,甘陽、崔之元編,《中國改革的政治經濟學》(社會與思想叢書,香港:牛津大學出版社,1997),頁155-179。
  • Translation:錢穎一、許成鋼著,卜永堅譯,〈中國非國有制經濟出現和成長的制度背景〉,甘陽、崔之元編,《中國改革的政治經濟學》(社會與思想叢書,香港:牛津大學出版社,1997),頁41-78。
Research Projects
Year Research Project
2019-2021 The “Rebirth” of Woman Yang: Law and Society in 18th-Century China
RGC General Research Fund (#14622519)
2017-2019 Chinese Cultural Unity as Seen from the Wuyuan Code of Sacrifice
RGC General Research Fund (#14606217)
2016-2019 Speak for Sages, Print for Profit: The Commercialized Commentaries on Confucian Classics for the Imperial Civil Examination in Qing China
RGC General Research Fund (#14647516)
2014-2016 Beijing: the other theatre of the Korean War (1592-1598)
RGC General Research Fund (#14409014)
2012-2014 Emperor's law and deity's power: the making of late-imperial Huizhou (1300-1800)
RGC General Research Fund (#451512)
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