Associate Professor, Department of History, CUHK
Vice Chairman (External)
Ian Morley is an Associate Professor in the Department of History, and Associate Professor (by Courtesy) on CUHK’s Urban Studies Programme. From 2020-22 he was the CUHK Faculty of Arts e-Learning Liaison Officer.
Prof. Morley has published widely on the design of built environments, participated in TV documentaries for The Discovery Channel and Voom!, as well as been interviewed by The Wall Street Journal Asia, The Los Angeles Times, Southeast Asia Globe, La Stampa, and the US’ National Public Radio. In 2022 he was a presenter on the National Geographic’s Shaped by Nature series. In addition, he has contributed to media outlets such as Hong Kong News, South China Morning Post, Al Jazeera, The Diplomat, Philippine Inquirer, and Agence France Presse, as well as academic outlets such as the American Historical Association magazine Perspectives on History, and Institute of International Asian Studies Newsletter. In 2020 his book American Colonisation and the City Beautiful was awarded the IPHS-Bosma Prize in Planning History Innovation. In 2024 he was awarded the CUHK Faculty of Arts’ Research Excellence Award, and he co-convened the 20th Biennial Conference of the IPHS in Hong Kong.
He currently is an editorial board member of the Brill book series Studies in Architecture and Urban History, an editorial board member of Planning Perspectives and World History Bulletin, as well as a council member of the Epidemic Urbanism Initiative (EUI). He is Vice President of the International Planning History Society, and the Planning Perspectives’ Book Review Editor for the Asia Region.
He has been a Visiting Fellow at the University of Sydney (Australia), University College Dublin (Ireland), the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil), and Free University Berlin (Germany). In 2018 he was awarded the Global Architectural History Teaching Collaborative Global Connections Fellowship, and in 2020 he was awarded a Senior Fellowship by Advance HE. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Royal Society of Arts, plus a chartered member of the Royal Town Planning Institute. In 2025 he will be a Visiting Scholar in the Faculty of History at Oxford University.
He is the four-time recipient of the History Department Teaching Award, and has been awarded the Faculty of Arts Outstanding Teaching Award eight times. In 2014 and 2019 he was a successful applicant to CUHK’s International Partnership Development Programme. He has been awarded four General Research Fund grants from Hong Kong’s Research Grants Council, eleven CUHK courseware and teaching development grants, and one Hong Kong Government Education Bureau-funded teaching grant. In late-2015/early-2016 he curated an exhibition at the CUHK University Library on ‘The History of the Philippines in Flags and Maps’, and 2017 he was convenor of the conference Southeast Asia in Evolution: Trans-Pacific Agency and the City, c. 1850-1941. He is currently, with Joel Rico (St Benilde College, Manila), rebuilding the Daniel H. Burnham Memorial in Manila, the Philippines, and he was a consultant to the Watts Gallery (UK) for their G.F. Watts Physical Energy sculpture project.
Journal Articles
Chapters in Edited Volumes
Other Publications
Year | Research Project |
2024-2026 | In our Image. in their Image: The Evolution of Colonial Governance in Manila, The Philippines c. 1901-41 General Research Fund (GRF) by the HKSAR Research Grants Council |