The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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Research Students

M.Phil. Students 2024-25

Name Thesis Title
CHENG Kui Wa  
CHEUNG Kit Yee 新石器時代文化交流及文明進程考察研究——以湖南及環珠江口地區為例
GAN Lin Migration and Governance: The Official Discourse of Transnational Trafficking of Chinese Women and Children in the Late Qing Period (1840s-1910s)
GUIANG Francisco Jayme Paolo Pensionados in the University of the Philippines: Medicine and Public Health in the Context of Filipinization (1916-1935)
HO Wing Yan 多元政治格局下的流民問題:以公元220-589年為期
LAM Hoi Sing Publicness and Privateness: Contesting the Public Space in South China
NG Pui Chung 民國時期地方社會與天災控制——以浙江省預防螟蟲為中心進行探討 (1912-1937)
SHU Yue 先秦至兩漢戰爭圖紋的軍事、社會文化意涵
TICAO Mar Lorence Gamboa Tondo Through the Lens of the Colonizers: Representations of the Densest District of Manila in Newspapers during the American Colonial Era (1898-1946)
WANG Guanqi 交遊、書寫及地域觀念建構:東晉南朝的吳興武康沈氏
WANG Shu Building the Modern Capital: Henry Murphy and the Urban Planning of Nanjing in the Republican Era (1927-1948)
WATERHOUSE Isaac Joseph  
WONG Kin Lok Constructing Memories: The Narrative of World War II in Cold War Hong Kong and Singapore (1945-1967)
YANG Siyuan 孝為德本:神聖空間與政治實踐中的釋奠禮儀 (420-739)
ZHANG Junlong 山野中的流匪:文革中的浙南


Ph.D. Students 2024-25

Name Thesis Title
CHEN Junlin “非家” 的秩序:唐宋時期禪宗軌范的流變及歷史情境
HOU Menglun 僧道、家族與士人:金元時代的山東地域社會
HUANG Xiadong Yankees in a Forging British Indian Ocean World: Trade, Knowledge and Strategy at the Gateways to the East Indies: 1800-1820s
JIANG Shuqing Family Memory: Construction of Family Identity of the Lü Family in Lantian during the Song Dynasty (960-1279 C.E.)
LEE Ying Chuen Damaged Lives and Forgotten Deaths: the Social History of Workers’ Health and Safety in Hong Kong
LI King Kwan 魏晉南北朝游學研究
LIU Jiayan La Condamine in Peru: Memory and Oblivion of an Enlightenment Universalist
PEI Xiaoshan 明清華北駝政與地域社會
REBONG Ma. Donna Solis (Re)inventing the Disabled Filipino: Disability Management and the American Colonial State in the Philippines (1900-1935)
TU Junfeng 明朝隆慶和議之研究
XIAO Bingyi Beyond Julie and Amazon: What Makes a Citoyenne in the French Revolution
XU Suxia  
XU Yijie  
YANG Yunfei Who Made the Restoration? Historical Images of Gaozong and His Top Ministers in the Initial Years of Southern Song, 1127-1142
YANG Zhishui 秩序的悖論:奉天的城市規劃與地綠政治
ZHAO Xiaoxi 近代海河流域社會變遷:以天津為中心的考察 (1841-1916)
ZHU Lizhen 明清以來崇明沙田開發與海島社會的變遷
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