V. 社會中的法律 Law in Social Context 主持人:梁其姿 (香港大學人文社會研究所)
1. Matthew SOMMER
(Department of History, Stanford University)
“‘Unauthorized Private Settlement of Matters of Official Concern’ (私和公事): The Ambiguous Status of Mediation in Qing Law.”
2. 張小也
3. 杜正貞
11:00 am
11:20 am
休息 / 茶點 Tea Break
11:20 am
- 1:00 pm
VI. 經濟與法律的互動 Interaction between Economy and Law 主持人:王迪安 (香港大學現代語言及文化學院)
1. 夫馬進
2. 邱澎生
3. Michael H. NG
(Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong)
“Dirt of Whitewashing: Re-conceptualizing Debtors’ Obligations in Chinese Business by Transplanting Bankruptcy Law to Early Colonial Hong Kong (1860s-1880s).”