The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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HIST5507 Special Topics in Public History: Traditional Chinese Festivals in Hong Kong: Perspectives of History and Anthropology

Semester 2 (2024-2025)

Lecture TimeFriday, 18:30 - 20:15

VenueRoom 405, Yasumoto International Academic Park (YIA 405)


Lecturer MA Muk Chi (

Course Description


  • 讓學生全面認識在香港不同社會因素下,中國非物質文化遺產的適應與轉變。
  • 透過參與觀察,收集與分析資料,讓學生掌握歷史人類學的方法與理論,以歷史的視角從事田野研究。
  • 利用跨學科方法,培養學生理解自身的傳統,欣賞他人的生活方式。


  1. 學術回顧:香港的傳統中國節日
  2. 鄉土社會的神鬼祖先
  3. 民間信仰與國家認同
  4. 殖民管治:華人廟宇條例與地方節慶傳統的再造
  5. 非常時期的節日:日治下的漁業社區
  6. 重構節日儀式: 二戰後的長洲漁民社區
  7. 從遊神到競渡:二戰後政府對地方節慶的參與
  8. 整治地方社團:二戰後政府對地方節慶的參與
  9. 傳統節日中的殖民元素:會景巡遊
  10. 二十世紀九十年代海外移民對地方傳統節慶的影響
  11. 文化遺產的倡議與保護
  12. 香港主權回歸前後的傳統節慶:記憶與遺忘
  13. 回顧與反思:承傳與規訓
Assessment & Assignments


  1. 課堂參與(佔10%):上課、提問及參與討論。
  2. 田野考察報告(佔30%):


  1. 學期論文(佔50%)


  1. 學期論文研究計劃(10%)







蔡志祥:《打醮: 香港的節日與地方社會》, 香港: 三聯書店,2000。




Blake, C. Fred, Ethnic Groups and Social Change in a Chinese Market Town, Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1981.

Faure, David, The Structure of Chinese Rural Society: Lineage and Village in the Eastern New Territories, Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Oxford university Press, 1986.

Law, Joan and Barbara Ward, Chinese Festival, SCMP, 1985 (or the 2006 edition).

Prasenjit Duara, “Superscribing Symbols: The Myth of Guandi, Chinese God of War,” The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 47, no.4 (Nov. 1988), pp.778-795. (中譯:〈復劃符號:關帝的神話〉,收在張頌仁、陳光興、高明士主編,《歷史意識與國族認同:杜贊奇讀本》,上海:上海人民出版社,2013,頁1-32。)

Watson, James L., Emigration and the Chinese Lineage: The Mans in Hong Kong and London, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975.

Watson, Rubie S. Inequality Among Brothers: Class and Kinship in South China, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985.(中譯:時麗娜譯,《兄弟并不平等:華南的階級和親族關係》,上海:上海譯文出版社,2008)

Wolf, Arthur, “God, Ghost and Ancestor” in Arthur Wolf ed., Religion and Ritual in Chinese Society, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1974, pp.131-182. (中譯本:張珣譯,(神、鬼和祖先),收於《思與言》第35卷第3期,1997年9月,頁233-292。)

華琛(James L. Watson)、華若璧(Rubie S. Watson)著,張婉麗、盛思維譯;《鄉土香港:新界的政治、性別及禮儀》,香港:中文大學出版社,2011。

Honesty in Academic Work

Attention is drawn to University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations. Details may be found at

With each assignment, students will be required to submit a signed declaration that they are aware of these policies, regulations, guidelines and procedures.

  • In the case of group projects, all members of the group should be asked to sign the declaration, each of whom is responsible and liable to disciplinary actions, irrespective of whether he/she has signed the declaration and whether he/she has contributed, directly or indirectly, to the problematic contents.
  • For assignments in the form of a computer-generated document that is principally text-based and submitted via VeriGuide, the statement, in the form of a receipt, will be issued by the system upon students’ uploading of the soft copy of the assignment.

Assignments without the properly signed declaration will not be graded by teachers.

Only the final version of the assignment should be submitted via VeriGuide.

The submission of a piece of work, or a part of a piece of work, for more than one purpose (e.g. to satisfy the requirements in two different courses) without declaration to this effect shall be regarded as having committed undeclared multiple submissions. It is common and acceptable to reuse a turn of phrase or a sentence or two from one’s own work; but wholesale reuse is problematic. In any case, agreement from the course teacher(s) concerned should be obtained prior to the submission of the piece of work.

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