Lecture TimeTuesday, 18:30 - 20:15
VenueLT5, Cheng Yu Tung Building (CYT LT5)
Lecturer Ian MORLEY (39437116 / ianmorley@cuhk.edu.hk)
Teaching Assistant Laurie LIU (laurieliu@link.cuhk.edu.hk)
Course Description and Aims
This module provides an introductory survey of the history of urban development from the ancient period to the end of the twentieth century. It focuses on the forces that have led to the development of cities in the past, and achieves this through the lens of a multi-disciplinary perspective and the utilisation of various methodologies. Such a standpoint is adopted in order to allow for the exploration of the impacts of matters like politics, economics, culture and identity, art and architecture, intellectual thought, law, transportation, and military technology upon urban society at different times in history, and to recognise how they influenced the design and shape of the built environment, and so city living. Central to the programme is the use of comparative analyses which assist in identifying and contrasting patterns of urban change. As such differences in urban design that became evident in the past will be made clear. Furthermore, such an approach helps illuminate and clarify the imprint upon urban space and the urban mind of agents affecting the urban development process, including visions and concepts (built and unbuilt) that have swayed social development. Importantly too in utilising this analytical perspective the students are granted opportunities to test hypotheses under the guidance of their teacher about the causes and effects of urban transition, in so doing helping explicitly comprehend the narrative of historical urban development in both factual and conceptual terms.
The course is designed with particular outcome-based learning objectives in mind:
By achieving these objectives students shall collect grades that contribute towards their end of term score. For further details of the how the course grade is given please refer to the section ‘Grading’.
Course Structure
Teaching takes place within two complementary learning situations, these being:
The lectures are designed to not only be informative but to allow, where possible, for active student participation. What this means is that once inside the classroom students are not passive learners who merely sit and listen to the teacher talk. Instead lectures will include various exercises to engage students with the subject being presented to them. The goal of such a strategy is to promote learning motivation, to encourage debate, and the development of different thinking and analysis processes.
The tutorials, 4 in total – each 45 minutes in length, grant students the chance to discuss the topics introduced in the lectures, and opportunities to help sort out any problems in understanding that the students may have.
To prepare for the tutorials materials are placed onto Blackboard but during the term students might be asked to take responsibility for a small part of a tutorial. The purpose of this exercise is that it will give everyone the chance to grasp part of the course in greater depth, and so will help everyone better prepare for the written assignments. To provoke discourse outside the classroom, and so to ensure student involvement, active learning and where possible deeper learning and thinking, students will be asked to create their own threads within the course’s Facebook group on themes associated with each week’s lecture.
At the start of each tutorial a detailed answer sheet designed by Prof. Morley will be distributed. This will act as a reference point for the class discussions, and shall expand upon many themes raised initially in the lectures. It will also help with work for the assignments.
The Course
Core Texts and Journals
The key texts for course HIST5592 are:
Lewis Mumford, The City in History UL HT111.M8/ARL HT111.M8
Shane Ewan, What is Urban History? UL HT113.E94 2016
John Reader, Cities UL HT111. R43 2004
However other texts of relevance to parts of the course are:
Edmund Bacon, The Design of Cities NA9050.B22 1974
Peter Hall, Cities in Civilisation HT 111. H345 1998
Paul Hohenberg and Lynn Hollen Lees, The Making of Urban Europe 1000-1994 UL HT131.H658 1995
Spiro Kostof, The City Shaped and The City Assembled HT111.K63
A.E.J. Morris, History of Urban Form ARL HT166.M59 1993
Donald Olsen, The City as a Work of Art NA970.O47 1986
Jan de Vries, European Urbanization 1500-1800 UL HT131.D4
For primary sources relating to aspects of the course tied to modern cities (between about 1700 and 1900), please refer to http://www.library.cornell.edu/Reps/DOCS/homepage.htm.
Students will be expected to make use of other materials listed within this document as the course unfolds to prepare for both classes and assignments. At the same time many journals will be of use to this preparation process. In particular publications such as Urban History, Social History, Town Planning Review, Planning Perspectives, Journal of Urban History, The Economic History Review, Journal of Urban History, and the Journal of Social Medicine will have relevance to particular lectures and assignment questions.
Week 1. Introduction Class: The First Cities (Tuesday, September 3rd 2024)
In this opening session a synopsis of the course and the subject of Urban History shall be put forward.
The lecture will also discuss what the first cities were like. It will analyse how the first urban societies differed from rural societies. It will also introduce the physical expressions that new forms of urban-based social organisation took.
Keywords: Tell Stoa Temenos Harappa Indus Valley
References: L. Benevelo, The Origins of Modern Town Planning CC Res/ARL NA9031.B36
Hegemann and E. Peets, The American Vitruvius CC Res/ARL NA9030.H4
F.R. Hiorns, Town Building in History CC Res/ARL NA9090.H54 1958
Algaze, Ancient Mesopotamia at the Dawn of Civilisation UL HT114.A524 2008
Lloyd, The Making of English Towns: A Vista of 2000 Years CC Res ARL HT133.L56 1984
A.E.J. Morris, History of Urban Form UL/ARL/CC Res HT166.M59 1993
Eliel Saarinen, The City: Its Growth, Its Decay, Its Future ARL/CC Res NA9030.S2
Unwin, Town Planning in Practice CC Res/ARL NA9030.U6 1994
Fraser and A. Sutcliffe, The Pursuit of Urban History UL HT111.P87
Week 2. Greeks and Romans (Tuesday, September 10th 2024)
What were Greek and Roman cities like? Did they share similar features? Did they contrast with each other in any ways? How did Greek and Roman cities express the concept of power – power of the people, religion, authority?
Keywords: Ur Coliseum Agora Forum Athens Polis Acropolis Grid Plan Miletus Rome
Lecture DVD: “Engineering an Empire”
References: Sir Leonard Woolley, History Unearthed ICS CC165.W6 1963
Mary Boatwright, Hadrian and Cities of the Roman Empire ARL DG295.B63
O.F. Robinson, Ancient Rome: City Planning and Administration UL/ARL HT169.R7 R63
John Stambaugh, The Ancient Roman City UL HT114 .S7 1988
A.E.J. Morris, History of Urban Form UL/ARL/CC Res HT166.M59 1993
Ada Gabucci, Ancient Rome: Art, Architecture & History ARL N5760 .G3213 2002
N.F. Jones, Ancient Greece: State and Society UL DF275.J66 1996
Ruth Whitehouse, The First Cities UL DS71.W5
A Kaiser, Roman Urban Street Networks ARL DG78.K34 2011
Week 3. The Medieval Era, Cathedrals and Urban Places (September 17th 2024)
What were the main characteristics of Europe’s Medieval City? What architecture dominated towns and cities in Europe at that time? Why? Were all European Medieval Cities alike? What was housing like at that time? What were the main factors in controlling its form?
Lecture DVD: “Carcassone”
Keywords: Gothic Cathedral Organic Growth Market Place Burgage Plots
Mercantile City Wall Jutting Borough
Key-places: Chartres London Bruges York
References: David Nicholas, The Growth of the Medieval City UL HT115 .N53 1997
Jeffrey Singman, Daily Life in Medieval Europe UL D119 .S55 1999
Pirenne, A History of Europe UL D117.P52 1958
Pirenne, Medieval Cities UL JS61.P5 1969
Mark Girouard, Cities and People UL/ARL HT111.G46
Dyer, Everyday Life in Medieval England UL DA185 .D94 2000
Bell, C., and Bell, R., City Fathers ARL HT169.G7B4
Saalman, Medieval Cities UL/ARL HT115.S2 1968
P.G. Hall, Cities in Civilization UL HT111 .H345 1998
Week 4. The Renaissance and Baroque City: Humanism to Autocracy (Tuesday, September 24th 2024)
How did the Renaissance conceptualise the ideal city? What were the areas of Renaissance urban planning, its design components and aesthetic considerations? What cultural factors affected the Renaissance concept of planning? How did military developments affect urban design? What were the principles on which the 16th century Popes, such as Pope Sixtus V, re-planned Rome, or aristocratic leaders redesigned their palaces? In what ways were their approaches innovative? Why do you think their ideas were copied and continued elsewhere in Europe during the next 300 years?
Lecture DVD: “Versailles”
Keywords: Geometric perspective Boulevard Wren’s London Plan Axial lines
Autocracy Spatial enclosure (place) Grand Manner
Key-places: Sforzinda Florence Versailles London Rome
References: Jacob Burckhardt, The Architecture of the Italian Renaissance ARL NA1115.B813 1985
June Osborne, Urbino UL Oversize/ARL DG975.U72 O83 2003
Denys Hays, From Roman Empire to Renaissance Europe UL D118.H3
Gebelin, Versailles ARL DC801.V56 G42 1965
Zepnik, D. Favro and R. Ingersoll, Streets: Critical Perspectives ARL NA9053.S7S82 1994
Wittkower, Art and Architecture in Italy 1600-1750 ARL N6916.W5 1999
Nevola, Siena: Constructing the Renaissance City ARL NA1121.S54 N48 2007
Week 5. No Class! Public Holiday!
Week 6. The London Terraced House and Square (Tuesday, October 8th 2024)
What were the main characteristics of the London terraced house? How were residential areas laid out from 1660 until the 19th century? How did this form an Italianisation of London? Why do you think the form of terraced housing changed so little in over 200 years? What led to its abandonment? Were other British cities developed in the same way as London? Did the ideas practised in London also have an effect in the British Empire?
Lecture Video: “Murray House, Hong Kong: A History”
Keywords: Terraced House Geometry Piazza Italianising
Inigo Jones Squares, Crescents, Circuses John Nash
Speculative Development Standardisation
Key-places: Bedford Square Covent Garden Bloomsbury Square
Belgrave Square Russell Square Regent Street Bath
Edinburgh New Town Melbourne Hong Kong
References: Stefan Muthesius, The English Terraced House ARL NA7328.M88 1982
James Ayres, Building the Georgian City ARL NA966.A98 1998
John Summerson, Georgian London ARL NA970.S95 1991
Andrew Byrne, Bedford Square ARL NA970.B9 1990
Walter Ison, The Georgian Buildings of Bath ARL NA971.B2I8 1980
Peter Borsay, The Image of Georgian Bath ARL DA690.B3 B57 2000
W.A. Brogden, The Neo-Classical Town ARL NA972.N46 1996
Cranfield, Georgian House Style ARL NA640.C73 1997
Downes, The Georgian Cities of Britain ARL NA966.D68 1979
A.J. Youngson, The Making of Classical Edinburgh ARL NA9189.E3Y6 1988
Faulkner, T.E., ‘The Early Nineteenth Century Planning of Newcastle upon Tyne’, Planning Perspectives, vol. 5 (1990), pp.149-167
Barnes, H., Newcastle-on-Tyne, The Town Planning Review, vol. 10 (1923), p.1-10
Week 7. Coping with Change (i) Coketowns: Dirt, Disease, Death, Deprivation (Tuesday, October 15th 2024)
Was Charles Dickens’ fictional industrial town Coketown true of living conditions in the early-1800s in Europe? What problems were industrial settlements experiencing regardless of their location (including ones in the US)? How were these towns contributing (or not) to national economic development? How did the rich and how did the poor live? What impact did people like Friedrich Engels, a first-hand observer of modern urbanisation, have? How did Britain control its environmental problems, and how did this affect its colonies?
Lecture DVD: “How We Built Britain”
Keywords: Industrial Revolution Urbanisation ‘4 Ds’
Public Health Slums Paternalism Philanthropy
Back-to-Back Terraced House Suburbs Public Health
Edwin Chadwick
Key places: Glasgow Saltaire Manchester Birmingham
References: A. Briggs, Victorian Cities ARL HT133.B7 1993/CC Reserve HT133.B7 1968
G.E. Cherry, The Evolution of British Town Planning UL/ARL HT169.G7C459
Hazel Conway, People’s Parks: The Design and Development of Victorian
Parks in Britain ARL SB484.G7C59 1991
Friedrich Engels, The Condition of the Working Class in England UL HD8389.E5
Metcalf, Victorian London ARL DA683 .M4 1972
Morley, ‘Chaos, Contagion, Chadwick and Social Justice’, Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, vol. 80.2 (2007)
Morley, British Provincial Civic Design and the Building of Late-Victorian and Edwardian Cities, 1880-1914 ARL NA9050.5 .M67 2008
H.J. Dyos and M. Wolff, M., The Victorian City: Images and Reality. Past and Present and Number of People and The Victorian City: Shapes on the Ground UL DA533.V5
J.M. Richards, ‘Sir Titus Salt or the Lord of Saltaire’, The Architectural Review, vol. 80 (1936)
R.K. Dewhirst, ‘Saltaire’, The Town Planning Review, vol. 31 (1960)
F.M.L. Thompson, The Rise of Suburbia and The Rise of Respectable Society CC Reserve HT133.R57 1982
J.R. Kellett, ‘Impact of Railways’, in R.J. Morris and R. Rodger, The Victorian City ARL HT133.V5 1993
M.J. Daunton, Housing the Workers ARL/UL HD7287.95.H68
Hamlin, Public Health and Social Justice in the Age of Chadwick UL WA11.FA1 H28 1998
Dennis, English Industrial Cities of the 19th Century ARL HT133.D4 1986
Richard Rodger, Housing in Urban Britain, 1780-1914 ARL HD7333.A3 R625 1995
William Ashworth, The Genesis of Modern British Town Planning ARL NA9185.A795
William Ashworth, ‘British Industrial Villages in the 19th Century’, Economic History Review (1951)
Week 8. Coping with Change (ii) London and Paris in the mid-19th Century (Tuesday, October 22nd 2024)
What were the principle difference between the growth of Paris and London in the 19th century? How do you explain these differences? Who were the main actors in the transformations that took place? Was Paris designed to be a work of art or did the urban renewal agenda incorporate other factors? Did Paris’ development affect London, and if so how and why?
Lecture Video: “Paris: The Imperial City”
Keywords: Haussmann John Nash Social Control James Pennethorne
Parks Slums Boulevards Governance
Imperialism Aston Webb
References: Howard Saalman, Haussman: Paris Transformed ARL HT169.F72P367 1971
Anthony Sutcliffe, The Autumn of Central Paris UL HT169.F72P368
Sutcliffe, Paris: An Architectural History ARL NA1050.S87 1993
Weeks, The Man Who Made Paris ARL HT178.F72 P343 1999
Thomas Hall, Planning Europe’s Capital Cities ARL NA9183 .H27 1997
Shelley Rice, Parisian Views ARL TR72.P37 R53 1997
Robert Herbert, Impressionism: Art, Leisure and Parisian Society NA Oversize ND550.H47
Jacob Larwood, The Story of the London Parks UC ASL DA689.P2 S3
Donald Olsen, The Growth of Victorian London CC Reserve HT169.G72L6474
S.E. Rasmussen, London: The Unique City ARL DA677.R273 1982
Sheppard, London: The Eternal Wen UL HC258.L6S5 1971
Roy Porter, London: A Social History UL DA677.P67 1995
L.D. Schwarz, London In the Age of Industrialisation ARL HB2676.L66S38 1992
Week 9. The City Beautiful: The North American City (Tuesday, October 29th 2024)
How did the rapid urbanisation of the US from the late-1800s affect American thinking about the city? What is the relationship between architects and the American City by about 1900? What was the nature of the City Beautiful Movement? What impact did it have? Why did the City Beautiful, a strictly American concept, spread to places like Manila, Guangzhou and Nanjing? How did the City Beautiful cross cultural borders? Why did the City Beautiful Movement die?
Keywords: World’s Fair, 1893 Chicago Daniel Burnham City Beautiful
Imperialism Internationalisation Modernity
References: W.H. Wilson, The City Beautiful Movement ARL HT164.U6W55 1989
Smith, The Plan of Chicago ARL NA737.B85 S65 2006
Sutcliffe, Towards the Planned City UL/CC Reserve HT166.S97
J.W. Cody, Building in China ARL/UL NA737.M87 C63 2001
J.W. Cody, Exporting American Architecture 1870-2000 ARL NA712 .C629 2003
T.S. Hines, Burnham of Chicago: Architect and Planner ARL NA737.B85 H56 1974
Baldwin Hess, ‘Transportation Beautiful’, Journal of Urban History, vol. 32, no. 4 (2006)
J.A. Peterson, The Birth of City Planning in the United States ARL HT167.P47 2003
K.L. Kolson, Big Plans ARL/UL HT153.K64 2001
Tehranian, Modernity, Space and Power ARL/UC ASL HT167.T44 1995
I.A. Steffensen-Bruce, Marble Palaces, Temples of Art ARL NA6695.A74 1998
Morley, British Provincial Civic Design and the Building of Late-Victorian and Edwardian Cities, 1880-1914 ARL NA9050.5 .M67 2008
Morley, ‘The Cultural Expansion of America: Imperialism, Civic Design, and the Philippines in the Early 1900s’, European Journal of American Culture, vol. 29, no. 3 (2010)
Week 10. Architects and Utopia: New Directions to National Development (Tuesday, November 5th 2024)
What was the distinctive contribution of Raymond Unwin, Tony Garnier, and Le Corbusier to urban development in the 20th century? What were the similarities between the approaches the adopted? What were the differences? How effective do you think each was in establishing a new model of urban development? How optimistic were they? Why did idealistic European ideas have an influence in places like India by the 1950s? Do these ideas have any historical comparisons with ideal cities from the Renaissance?
Keywords: Letchworth Hampstead Garden Suburb Cite Industrielle
Contemporary City of 3 Million People Modernist Architecture
Green Belt ‘Streets in the Sky’ Chandigarh
References: D. Wiebenson, Tony Garnier ARLNA9053.N4W54
Ebenezer Howard, Garden Cities of To-Morrow ARLHT161.H6 1946
Robert Fishman, Urban Utopias in the 20th Century CC Res HT161.F57 1982
Creese, The Search for Environment ARLHT161.C7 1992
Le Corbusier, The City of Tomorrow and its Planning ARLNA9030.J413 1947a
Patrick Abercrombie, ‘Modern Town Planning in England: A Comparative Review of the ‘Garden City’ Schemes in England’, The Town Planning Review, vol. 1 (1910), and ‘Modern Town Planning in England: A Comparative Review of the ‘Garden City’ Schemes in England, Part 2’, The Town Planning Review, vol. 1 (1910).
Ashworth, The Genesis of Modern British Town Planning ARLNA9185.A795
Sutcliffe, British Town Planning: The Formative Years ARLHT169.G7B7
Miller, Raymond Unwin: Garden Cities and Town Planning ARLNA997.U59M55
Miller, Letchworth: The First Garden City DA690.L557 M55 2002
S.V. Ward, The Garden City: Past, Present and Future UL/ARL NA9095.I46 2001
Shatkin, ‘Colonial Capital, Modernist Capital, Global Capital’, Pacific Affairs vol. 78, no. 4 (2005-6).
Week 11. Colonial and Post-Colonial Urban Statements: New Delhi and Canberra (Tuesday, November 12th 2024)
How did the design and plan of environments such as New Delhi and Canberra express sentiments relating to colonialism? What forms did these environments have, and how did they use historicism to establish modern city environments? In the case of Canberra, how did politics affect the design of the city? Is Canberra today the product of urban planning or government attitudes? In what ways was the competition to design Canberra an international scandal, and how did this influence the selection of prize winners? Additionally, did the Indian wish to free itself from colonialism lead to new city types or a re-use of British ideas?
Lecture Video: “Sir Edwin Lutyens: Architect of the British Empire”
Keywords: New Delhi Canberra Colonialism
Sir Edwin Lutyens Walter Burley Griffin Le Corbusier
Baroque City Beautiful Nation/Nationhood
References: J. Reps, Canberra 1912 ARL HT178.A82 C36 1997
Mort, Old Canberra: A Sketchbook ARL NC371.M68 A4 1987
Volwahsen, Imperial Delhi: The British Capital of the Indian Empire ARL NA1508.N49 V65 2002
R.G. Irving, Indian Summer ARL 997.L8 I7 1981
Wilhide, Edwin Lutyens: Designing in an English Tradition ARL 997.L8 W55 2000
Hussey, The Life of Sir Edwin Lutyens ARL NA997.L8 H87 1984
A Hopkins, Lutyens Abroad ARL NA997.L8 L88 2002
Turnball and P.Y. Navaretti, The Griffins in Australia and India ARL NA737.G65 A4 1998
Prakash and V. Prakash, Chandigarh: The City Beautiful ARL NA1508. C44 P724 1999
Kalia, Chandigarh: The Making of an Indian City ARL H169.I5 K35 1999
Kalia, Chandigarh: In Search of an Identity ARL HT169.57.I42 C485 1987
I Morley, ‘Canberra’s Connections: Canberra’s Plan and Nationhood’, Fabrications: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand 23.1(2013)
Week 12. City Faces (i). Identities and Nationalism: Antoni Gaudi and Barcelona (Tuesday, Tuesday, November 19th 2024)
How and why did Barcelona develop in the way it did from the mid-1800s? What factors affected its development from the second half of the nineteenth century to the early-1900s? What role did Antoni Gaudi play in this process? And how did his identity as a Catalan affect his architectural work? How is Gaudi’s work now perceived given his image at the centre of Barcelona’s tourist industry, the local cultural renaissance, and the fall of Franco?
Lecture DVD: “Visions of Space – Antoni Gaudi: God’s Architect”
Keywords: Catalonia, Spain Ildefons Cerda Antoni Gaudi Nationhood Sagrada Familia Cultural Growth
Casa Batllo Cultural Heritage Tourism
References: Arturo Soria y Puig, Cerda UL HT131. C473 1999
Ignasi de Solà-Morales, Antoni Gaudi ARL NA1313.G3 S6413 2003
James Johnson Sweeney, Antoni Gaudi ARL NA1313.G3 S9 1970
Xavier Guell, Antoni Gaudi ARL NA1313.G3G84
Roberto Pane, Antoni Gaudi ARL NA1313.G3 P36 1964
Derek Avery, Antoni Gaudi ARL NA1313.G3 A837 2004
Tim Marshall, Transforming Barcelona ARL HT169.S72 B378 2004
Teresa-M Sala, Barcelona 1900 ARL NX562.B37 B35 2008
Malcolm Miles and Tim Hall, The City Cultures Reader UL HT151 .C5822 2004
Borja de Riquer i Permanyer, Modernismo: Architecture and design
in Catalonia ARL Oversize NX562.B37 M6313 2003
Yukio Futagawa, Gaudí ARL NA1313.G3 A4 2003
Philippe Thiébaut, Gaudi: Builder of Visions ARLNA1313.G3 T34 2002
Manuel Gausa and Marta Cervelló, Barcelona: A Guide to its Modern Architecture 1860-2002 ARL NA1311.B3 G387 2002
Week 13. City Faces (ii). Skyscrapers and their Meanings (Tuesday, Tuesday, November 26th 2024)
What were the origins of high-rise construction? Where were the earliest examples of high-rise offices and housing to be found, and what form did they take? Why did high-rise housing come to be seen as an important means of dealing with housing provision after the Second World War? What led to its eventual abandonment in Britain but its continued use in other countries? What is the significance of high-rise construction today in Asia? Why are the largest buildings in the world found in countries like Taiwan, Malaysia and the UAE? What symbolic messages/readings lie within tall buildings and why do they have great meaning to particular societies as they evolve?
To supplement the lecture documentary work Prof. Morley has undertaken with The Discovery Channel and Voom! will be utilised.
Lecture DVD: “The Vertical City Series 2: Taipei 101 Tower”
Keywords: Steel Concrete New York
Chicago William Le Baron Jenny Technology Dubai Taipei 101 Petronas Towers
References: Thomas Deckker, Modern Architecture Revisited ARL HT166.M582 2000
G.H. Douglas, The Social History of the Very Tall Building in America ARL NA6232.D68 1996
Turak, William Le Baron Jenney: A Pioneer of Modern Architecture ARL NA737.J46 T87 1986
R.M.Reynolds, How America Grew Up ARL NA735.N5R49 1994
Binder, Tall Buildings of Asia and Australia ARL NA6234.A78 T35 2001
Huang Tsung-yi Michelle, Walking Between Slums and Skyscrapers UL/UK HK Studies HT169.H6 H83 2004
K.W. Schmitt, Multi-Storey Housing ARL NA7860.S33 1966
A.C. Bossom, Building to the Skies ARL NA6230.B6 1934
L.J. Vale and S. Bass Warner, Imaging the City ARL NA9095.I46 2001
Students shall be given a term grade based on:
1. Participatio– 30% of total term score. This grade is given in relation to
2. Short paper (1500-2000 words) – 30% of term grade.
3. Take-home examination (2000-2500 words) – 40% of term grade.
However always remember: speak with Prof. Morley should you have any questions about how your term grade is composed, or how your work shall be graded. He is happy to assist you!
Please note:
(i) All assignments submitted will be returned in PDF format via email. All work to be returned includes the assignments plus a grade sheet designed by Prof. Morley that breaks down the score of your work. This informs you of not only your grade but exactly how you achieved it. Detailed comments about your work will be given by your Tutor.
(ii) Amended versions of any assignment cannot be submitted at a later date.
Assignment Assistance
Juggling the demands of an academic course with other requirements is never easy. Doing so in a language such as English, maybe a second or a third language, can often compound this situation. Frequently it can lead to much anxiety. Therefore, to provide as much assistance as possible Prof. Morley at the end of lectures shall provide time to speak one-to-one about anything to do with the course, e.g. assignments, and to answer any questions relating to matters raised by the lecture. Additionally, he will ask as assignment deadlines approach for assignment plans to be created so that they can be checked to ensure work is on ‘the right track’. Plus, as noted earlier, academic writing files to assist students about the writing process are provided on Blackboard, as are assignment planning documents. Prof. Morley, as a former language teacher who has worked in Spain, France and Taiwan, is happy though to discuss any aspect of the writing process with you if you require any other kind of help.
Assignment Preparation Sheets
As noted previously students will be asked during the term to formally submit written work. For HIST5592 students submit two essays: a short paper assignment, and the take-home examination. For each piece of work a list of questions shall be given many weeks ahead of the hand-in date along with guidelines for this particular written task. Students then answer one question from the list distributed by Prof. Morley.
As previously mentioned all students will have access to assignment planning documents immediately after the assignment question sheet is handed out. The planning sheets offer assistance in appreciating the true meaning of the question, the context of the subject involved, grasping which reading materials are most useful to composing the assignment, and the best way to then use source materials.
CUHK’s History Department uses an online system through which students submit their written work. As part of HIST5592 students will be asked to submit their assignments onto the Veriguide system. For more information on Veriguide please refer to the following website: https://academic.veriguide.org/academic/login_CUHK.jspx. However, in course HIST5592 the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not permitted; work submitted must be written in your own words with the use of evidence to support key points.
Tutorial Dates and Themes
As part of your undertaking of HIST5592 you are required to attend four tutorials. These shall take place immediately after the lecture. Each tutorial offers an opportunity to discuss, evaluate and note aspects of the urban past raised within the lectures so as to clarify and elucidate your knowledge of cities and their development. Where possible particular skill-building activities will be introduced. Provisionally, the following dates and topics are set for the tutorials:
CUHK regulations permitting, in late-November a visit to the Sky 100 will be undertaken. The visit to the tallest building in Hong Kong will precede the final lecture of HIST5592.
Potential Problems
Being a student, especially if you’re married, have children and a job, for example, is obviously not easy. Juggling a professional and home life with the demands of a university course can be troublesome at times. Consequently, some simple behavioural patterns are advisable. By way of example, be thoroughly organised from the start of the term. Note down the deadlines of any work to be handed in or the dates of any presentations to be given as well as the dates of tutorials you are expected to attend. Moreover, given the demands of work and home problems sometimes can occur. If difficulties do arise that will impact upon your studies the please contact your Prof. Morley immediately. He will endeavour to help you as much as is possible so please do not hesitate to speak with him should you need help. Importantly, when problems do arise please do not wait. Problems when they initially occur can be managed far more easily than ones left to develop for a while.
To ensure that the students’ learning process is as smooth as can be Prof. Morley will distribute handouts at each lecture. Should you miss a class then all these materials can be accessed online, as can a video-voice recording of the lecture. In addition to support your learning outside of the classroom Prof. Morley has created learning materials related to the lectures which allows for a structured learning environment beyond the lecture hall, and to help buttress all students’ scholarly needs.
To supplement the students’ learning all course materials shall be available online through a developed version of CUHK’s Blackboard system. To access these materials registered students input their CUHK student number and password, and if they so wish, they can download materials. Materials accessible to students include chapters from books, journal papers, photos, virtual reality animation, interactive panoramas of urban environments, maps, internet links, lecture PowerPoints used by Prof. Morley, and voice recordings of the lectures. The use of online resources ensures that if for any reason a student is unable to attend a class due to illness, a business trip or other commitments that individual can still access all materials given out in the lecture, and shall not fall behind in the course. Furthermore, texts pertinent to assignment questions can be uploaded by Prof. Morley if there are problems obtaining books or papers from the library. However, to support student learning outside of the classroom, and to offer a structured environment beyond the lecture hall, HIST5592 uses a variety of interactive online instructional methods that include:
Accordingly, with the lecture, tutorials and online learning support mechanisms a coherent scholarly environment is provided for, one that has a purposeful architecture to provide for the extension of wisdom both inside and outside the classroom.
Internet Links
For each class a list of useful internet sources will be given. This is to not only allow for an additional source of information, and one of a visual nature, but to allow those students who register for the course and with limited abilities to visit CUHK’s libraries to still have access to materials pertinent to the course as it unfolds each week. Internet links will be available to registered students via the course’s Facebook group.
Course Portfolio
All registered students for HIST5592 will be able to access on Blackboard a portfolio designed by Prof. Morley. The portfolio shall contain:
Ground Rules and Academic Honesty
It is important that students registering for HIST5592 attend classes and arrive prepared. This includes endeavouring to turn up on time, having paper on which to record lecture notes, listening attentively to the teacher and, where possible, joining in any teacher-led discussions. To assist students with lectures, tutorials and assignment preparation, edited lecture notes based on the lecture PowerPoint will be handed out at the start of each lecture session, as will copies of key texts or lecture worksheets designed by Prof. Morley. But in order for all classroom situations to work effectively certain rules need to be established. Regulations relating to the classroom teaching of HIST5592 include:
http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/policy/academichonesty. AI is not permitted.
Attention is drawn to University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations. Details may be found at http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/policy/academichonesty/.
With each assignment, students will be required to submit a signed declaration that they are aware of these policies, regulations, guidelines and procedures.
Assignments without the properly signed declaration will not be graded by teachers.
Only the final version of the assignment should be submitted via VeriGuide.
The submission of a piece of work, or a part of a piece of work, for more than one purpose (e.g. to satisfy the requirements in two different courses) without declaration to this effect shall be regarded as having committed undeclared multiple submissions. It is common and acceptable to reuse a turn of phrase or a sentence or two from one’s own work; but wholesale reuse is problematic. In any case, agreement from the course teacher(s) concerned should be obtained prior to the submission of the piece of work.