Lecture TimeWednesday, 18:30 - 20:15
VenueRoom 507, Wu Ho Man Yuen Building (WMY 507)
Lecturer David FAURE (dfaure@cuhk.edu.hk)
Teaching Assistant ZHU Gehui (1155098610@link.cuhk.edu.hk)
1 近代中国经济发展梗概
2 合约与控股
3 官督商办
4 明清时期的会计
5 地方官在商业审判中的作用
6 家庭企业
7 公司法
8 工厂制度的引进
9 民国时期的银行业
10 白银、经济恐慌与货币
11 管理专业化
12 国家统制
13 社会主义与开放
1. 导修口头与书写报告,占总成绩30%
2. 学期论文占总成绩70%。
(学期论文字数,中文8,000-10,000 字;英文 5,500-7,000字。)
1. 每次导修都需要出席(一共10次)。
2. 每人需要提交两篇读书报告,参与一次口头报告。
3. 每次导修只准许最多5位同学进行口头报告(由老师临场指定),另加5位同学提交书写报告。进行口头报告的同学同时也提交书写报告。(假如选修本科目的人数超过50人,导师可以增加名额。)修读同学需要在第二周预先报名。
4. 同学需要在导修课前两天提交读书报告。
5. 所有读书报告都应针对整本书,不准许分章节报告。
6. 导修成绩参考口头报告、讨论表现以及书写报告。
1 《北京瑞蚨祥》、《清代山东经营地主底社会性质》
2 《荣家企业史料上》 (http://www.virtualshanghai.net/Texts/E-Library?ID=1576)
3 Elisabeth Koll, From Cotton Mill to Business Empire: the Emergence of Regional Enterprises in Modern China
4 严中平《中国棉纺织史稿1289-1937; 从棉纺织工业史看中国资本主义的发生与发展过程》
5 Madeleine Zelin, The Merchants of Zigong: Industrial Entrepreneurship in Early Modern China (曾小萍 《自贡商人 : 近代早期中国的企业家》)
6 金融恐慌:(1)《东盛和债案报告》
张世慧 《清季政府与区域性经济危机的应对 — 以东盛和倒闭案为中心的研究》, 《清史研究》2014:4:50-60; (2)《上海钱庄史料》, 页53-98。
7 Sherman Cochran, Big Business in China: Sino-foreign Rivalry in the Cigarette Industry, 1890-1930 (高家龙《中国的大企业 : 烟草工业中的中外竞争(1890-1930)) 》
8 Kwan Man Bun, Beyond Market and Hierarchy, Patriotic Capitalism and the Jiuda Salt Refinery, 1914-1953; 《范旭东企业集团历史资料汇编 : 久大精盐公司专辑》
9 Chan Kai Yiu, Business Expansion and Structural Change in Pre-war China : Liu Hongsheng and His Enterprises, 1920-1937; 《刘鸿生企业史料》
10 《顾准自述》, 《粤海重组实录》页6-38。
Attention is drawn to University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations. Details may be found at http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/policy/academichonesty/.
With each assignment, students will be required to submit a signed declaration that they are aware of these policies, regulations, guidelines and procedures.
Assignments without the properly signed declaration will not be graded by teachers.
Only the final version of the assignment should be submitted via VeriGuide.
The submission of a piece of work, or a part of a piece of work, for more than one purpose (e.g. to satisfy the requirements in two different courses) without declaration to this effect shall be regarded as having committed undeclared multiple submissions. It is common and acceptable to reuse a turn of phrase or a sentence or two from one’s own work; but wholesale reuse is problematic. In any case, agreement from the course teacher(s) concerned should be obtained prior to the submission of the piece of work.