The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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HIST5515B Special Topics in Public History (Archaeology): Public Archaeology

Semester 1 (2023-2024)

Lecture TimeThursday, 18:30 - 20:15

VenueLT4, Yasumoto International Academic Park(YIA LT4)


Lecturer CHAU Hing Wah (

Teaching Assistant Dr FOK Yeung Yeung (

Course Description

This course introduces students to the wide range of areas in which archaeology has an impact outside the academic areas of archaeological study.  It aims to examine the development and planning of archaeological presentation, and issues connected with maintenance of the archaeological resource; the role of legislation in archaeology; the ‘values’ of archaeology in society; and the complex interrelationships between society, politics and economics that provides the framework within which archaeology exists.


Lecture 1:    History and Development of Archaeology (Sep 7)

Lecture 2:  Archaeological Survey and Excavation (Sep 14)

Lecture 3:    Archaeology of Hong Kong: Development and Achievements (Sep 21)


Field Visit:   Visit to the archaeological remains in the Kowloon Bay area, including the Kowloon Walled City Park, the Sung Wong Toi Park and the archaeological display inside the Sung Wong Toi MTR Station. (Sep 24, Sun)


Lecture 4:    Protection of Archaeological Heritage: International Charters and Conventions (Sep 28)

Lecture 5:    Re-constructing Hong Kong’s Past: Our Cultural Identity (Oct 5)


Group presentation: Students will be divided into 8 groups, and each group is required to do a powerpoint presentation of their research on the Field Study of Kowloon Bay (Oct 12)


Lecture 6:    Underwater Archaeology: An Introduction (Oct 19)

Lecture 7:    Post-excavation: Finds Processing, Analysis, Conservation, and Interpretation (Oct 26)


Field Visit:   Visit to the Wun Yiu archaeological site in Tai Po and the Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum in Sham Shui Po. (Oct 29, Sun)


Lecture 8:    Protection of Archaeological Heritage: China and Hong Kong (Nov 2)

Lecture 9:    Archaeology and Nationalism: Origins of Chinese Civilization Project (I) (Nov 9)

Lecture 10:  Archaeology and Nationalism: Origins of Chinese Civilization Project (II) (Nov 16)

Lecture 11:  Underwater Archaeology: Survey, Excavation, Conservation and Management (Nov 23)

Lecture 12: Public Archaeology: Retrospect and Prospects (Nov 30)

Assessment & Assignments

The evaluation is based on:

(1)   Attendance in classes (10%)


(2)   Presentation (20%)

After the first field trip, students should make one group powerpoint presentation and participate in the discussion section. A group report (not less than 8,000 words) is required and submitted right after the presentation on Oct 12, 2023.

Topic: 九龍灣舊啓德機場及鄰近地區發現的考古遺存應如何保存、展示、推廣?考古公園的概念應如何推展?如何發展文物旅遊以促進地區經濟?保育這些考古遺產將如何增進市民的文化自信、國民身份認同?

(3)   Field visit report (20%)

After the second field trip, a written report (not less than 3,000 words) on the field visit must be submitted for assessment. The deadline is on Nov. 13, 2023

Topic: (一) 大埔碗窰遺址的保育計劃書;或

          (二) 深水埗李鄭屋漢墓遺址博物館改造計劃書 (以上任擇其一)

(4)  Term paper (50%)

Choose one of the following topic issues and write a research paper within 5,000 words. The paper should be submitted on or before Dec. 10, 2023.

  • Effects/effectiveness of legislation in archaeology in terms of protection
  • Media and archaeology
  • Archaeology and nationalism : shaping of cultural identity
  • Repatriation of archaeological materials : conflict and co-operation among nations
  • Illicit trade in antiquities and treasure hunting: looting of archaeological sites
  • Tourism and archaeology: sustainable consumption of archaeological heritage
  • Archaeology and politics
  • Archaeology and museum: how the knowledge on archaeological research be transferred to the public
  • Underwater archaeology: sustainable strategy for effective protection



Check the ‘Assessment & Assignment’ session.


Atha, M. and Yip, K. (2016) Piecing Together Sha Po: Archaeological Investigations and Landscape Reconstruction, Hong Kong: HKU Press.

Bahn, P.G. (ed.) (1996) The Cambridge Illustrated History of Archaeology.  BCA and Cambridge University Press. [UL RES. CALL # CC100 .C28 1996  ] Chinese version:《劍橋插圖考古史[CALL # CC100 .C2812 2000 ] 

Bellwood, P. (2013) First Migrants. Wiley Blackwell.

Carman, J. (2002) Archaeology and Heritage. Continuum.

Carman, J. (2015)  Archaeological Resource Management: An International Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Champion T (1996) Protecting the Monuments. Archaeological legislation from the 1882 Act to PPG 16.  In Hunter, M (ed). Preserving the Past: the rise of heritage in modern Britain, 38-56. Stroud: Alan Sutton Publishing [UL RES. CALL # DA655 .P75 1996  ]

Cleere, H. (1989). Archaeological Heritage Management in the Modern World.  London: Routledge.[UL RES CALL #  CC135.A73  ]

Council of Europe.(1992). Valetta Convention. European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.

Drewett, P. (1999) Field Archaeology: An Introduction. London: UCL Press. [UL RES. CALL # CC76 .D74 1999  ]

English Heritage (2001) Power of Place. The future of the Historic Environment. London: English Heritage.

Fagan, B. (2001)  In the Beginning. An Introduction to Archaeology.  New York: Prentice Hall. [CU LIB has the 1997 version: CALL #  CC75 .F34 1997 ]

Grant, J., Gorin, S. & Fleming, N.  (2002)  The Archaeology Coursebook.  London: Routledge. [UL RES CALL # CC83 .G7 2002  ]

Harrison, R. et al.  (2020). Heritage Futures: Comparative Approaches to Natural and Cultural Heritage Practices. London: UCL Press. DOI:  (Available to download free:

Hodder, I. (2003) Reading the Past: Current Approaches to Interpretation in Archaeology. Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press. [UL RES. CALL #  CC72 .H62 2003 ]

ICAHM, (1993), “The Charter for the protection and management of the Archaeological Heritage.” Antiquity, 402-5.(UL PERIODICAL CALL #  CC1.A7  v.67, 1993 )

Kohl, P. L.,Fawcett, C. (1995). Nationalism, Politics, and the Practice of Archaeology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Korka, E (eds) (2014). The Protection of Archaeological Heritage in Times of Economic Crisis. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Li Liu, Xingcan Chen. (2012). The Archaeology of China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

McManus P.M. (ed) (2000). Archaeological Displays and the Public. Museology and Interpretation. London: Institute of Archaeology. [UL RES. CALL # AM151 .A73 2000  ]

Meacham, W. (2009).  The Archaeology of Hong Kong. Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong.

Merriman, N. (ed.) (2004)  Public Archaeology. London: Routledge. [UL RES. CALL # CC75.7 .P83 2004  ]

Moshenska, Gabriel (ed) (2017) Key Concepts in Public-Archaeology, UCL Press, University College London. Available to download free:

Renfrew, C. and Bahn, P. (2016),  Archaeology: Theories Methods and Practice, London: Thames & Hudson (Seventh Edition). 

Skeates, R. (1999). Debating the Archaeological Heritage. London: Duckworth. [UL RES. CALL # CC135 .S543 2000  ]

Schlanger, N and Aitchison, K (eds) (2010), Archaeology and the Global Economic Crisis: multiple impacts, possible solutions

UNESCO, 1972.  The Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. Paris: UNESCO.

UNESCO, 2022. Guidance and Toolkit for Impact Assessments in a World Heritage Context, Paris.

Walsh, K. (1992). The Representation of the Past; Museums and Heritage in the Modern World. London: Routledge. [UL RES. CALL # AM7.W35]

Wu, Chunming (eds) 2016, Early Navigation in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Maritime Archaeological Perspective, Singapore: Springer.










嚴明:《文物保護法律適用手冊》。北京:人民法院出版社,1998年。[CALL #  KNQ3176 .W46 1998  ]

Agnew, Neville and Demas, Martha (ed.) (2002), Principles for the Conservation of Heritage Sites in China, (中譯本:《中國文物古蹟保護準則》), Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute. [HKU MAIN LIB CALL # LB 363.690951 P95]


費爾南多·安東尼·巴基斯塔·佩雷拉:《澳門大三巴遺址:面向未來的豐碑》,澳門:澳門文化司署,里斯本:里斯本澳門辦事處,1 9 9 4年。

楊春棠、李惠玲(編):《東南亞考古論文集》。香港:香港大學美術博物館,1995年。[UL RES. CALL # DS523 .C6 1995  ]

鄒興華(編):《嶺南古越族文化論文集》。香港:香港市政局,1993年。[UL RES. CALL # DS793.K7 L485 1993  ]

鄒興華:〈多元互動:四川古蜀文化和珠江三角洲古越文化融入中華文化的過程〉,載《三星閃爍金沙流采 – 神秘的古蜀文明》。香港:康樂及文化事務署,2007年。[UL GOV DOC CALL # DS797.77.G826 S28 2007]

鄒興華:〈香港考古遺址的保護及考古新發現〉,載香港城市大學中國文化中心(編):《嶺南歷史與社會》。香港:香港城市大學出版社,2003年,頁45 – 62。[UL RES. CALL # DS793.K7 L4948 2003]

鄒興華:〈漁獵採集 – 香港沿海定居的史前先民生活模式〉,載《華南研究資料中心通訊》,2003年1 月,第30期。[]



香港歷史博物館(編) :《嶺南印記:粵港澳考古成果展》,香港:香港歷史博物館,2014年

區家發:《粵港考古與發現》。香港:三聯書店,2004年。[UL RES. CALL #DS793.K7 O84 2004]




商志(香覃)  、吳偉鴻:《香港考古學敘研》,北京,文物出版社,2010年。

張森水、吳偉鴻(編) :《西貢黃地峒舊石器時代晚期遺址》,香港,中國評論出版社,2010年。



廣東省文物考古研究所(編) :《2011年南海I號的考古試掘》,北京:科學出版社,2011年。

廣東省文物考古研究所(編) :《南海Ⅰ号沉船考古报告之二——2014~2015年发掘》,北京:文物出版社,2017年。

科林∙倫福儒、保羅∙巴恩(著) 、陳淳(譯):《考古學:理論、方法與實踐》,第六版,上海古籍出版社,2015年




焦天龍、范雪春:《福建與南島語族》,北京,科學出版社, 2020年


Honesty in Academic Work

Attention is drawn to University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations. Details may be found at

With each assignment, students will be required to submit a signed declaration that they are aware of these policies, regulations, guidelines and procedures.

  • In the case of group projects, all members of the group should be asked to sign the declaration, each of whom is responsible and liable to disciplinary actions, irrespective of whether he/she has signed the declaration and whether he/she has contributed, directly or indirectly, to the problematic contents.
  • For assignments in the form of a computer-generated document that is principally text-based and submitted via VeriGuide, the statement, in the form of a receipt, will be issued by the system upon students’ uploading of the soft copy of the assignment.

Assignments without the properly signed declaration will not be graded by teachers.

Only the final version of the assignment should be submitted via VeriGuide.

The submission of a piece of work, or a part of a piece of work, for more than one purpose (e.g. to satisfy the requirements in two different courses) without declaration to this effect shall be regarded as having committed undeclared multiple submissions. It is common and acceptable to reuse a turn of phrase or a sentence or two from one’s own work; but wholesale reuse is problematic. In any case, agreement from the course teacher(s) concerned should be obtained prior to the submission of the piece of work.

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