The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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UGEC2020 澳門史:東西文化的匯聚

Semester 1 (2019-2020)

Lecture TimeMonday 10:30pm-12:15pm

VenueYIA LT8


Lecturer CHEUNG Ching Man Emily (

Course Description


2019年9月2日 休講 開學禮
2019年9月9日 第一講 導論:近代中西方文化交流的起源
2019年9月16日 第二講 葡萄牙人東來
2019年9月23日 第三講 澳門開埠與明清時期的澳門
2019年9月30日 第四講 鴉片戰爭前後的澳門
2019年10月7日 假期 重陽節假期
2019年10月14日 第五講 近代澳門
2019年10月21日 第六講 澳門的華人社會與組織
2019年10月28日 測驗  
2019年11月4日 第七講 澳門土生族群的形成與變遷
2019年11月11日 第八講 西學東漸:天主教在澳門
2019年11月18日 第九講 澳門與海上絲路
2019年11月25日 第十講 澳門博彩娛樂旅遊業的發展 + 總結

(#     請登入eLearning瀏覽最新課堂資訊、下載課堂講義及參考資料。)

(##     一切訊息以eLearning (Blackboard)公佈為準。)

Assessment & Assignments
30% 測驗 (Quiz)
70% 論文 (Final Paper)
Honesty in Academic Work

Attention is drawn to University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations. Details may be found at

With each assignment, students will be required to submit a signed declaration that they are aware of these policies, regulations, guidelines and procedures.

  • In the case of group projects, all members of the group should be asked to sign the declaration, each of whom is responsible and liable to disciplinary actions, irrespective of whether he/she has signed the declaration and whether he/she has contributed, directly or indirectly, to the problematic contents.
  • For assignments in the form of a computer-generated document that is principally text-based and submitted via VeriGuide, the statement, in the form of a receipt, will be issued by the system upon students’ uploading of the soft copy of the assignment.

Assignments without the properly signed declaration will not be graded by teachers.

Only the final version of the assignment should be submitted via VeriGuide.

The submission of a piece of work, or a part of a piece of work, for more than one purpose (e.g. to satisfy the requirements in two different courses) without declaration to this effect shall be regarded as having committed undeclared multiple submissions. It is common and acceptable to reuse a turn of phrase or a sentence or two from one’s own work; but wholesale reuse is problematic. In any case, agreement from the course teacher(s) concerned should be obtained prior to the submission of the piece of work.

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