The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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CUHK Historians

The Department of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong was founded in 1963. Thanks to our former faculty members, including Ch’ien Mu, Yu Ying-shih, Mou Jun-sun, Chuan Han-sheng, Yen Keng-wang, Wang Teh-chao, Sun Kuo-tung, and many great scholars who have served at the Department and contributed to its growth. Following the footsteps of our great maestros of history, some of our graduates acquired the distinct Academician status, some have become masters in special historical fields, or established themselves as experts in their specialized areas of research around the globe.

“CUHK Historians” recorded the achievements, visions, research experience and interesting stories of teaching and learning of our predecessors who built, contributed to, and taught at the Department in its early days.

(Articles are available in Chinese only.)

    1. 現代國學界的通儒錢賓四先生
    2. 余英時教授治史經驗談
    3. 《之間人》──訪梁元生教授
    4. 《跑田野的歷史學者》──訪賀喜教授
    5. 《傳承東華百年歷史》──訪李三元博士
    6. 《貫通學養、成就全人》──訪蘇基朗教授
    7. 《簡牘重塑史實》──訪黎明釗教授
    8. 《超越性史學:性別,生死和時空的探究之旅》──訪葉漢明教授
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